The Saturday Paper

Cash economy under pressure.

The government’s crackdown on cash transactio­ns could not only change the way Australian­s spend, but also affect our overall privacy. John Power reports.

- John Power

In his budget speech earlier this month, Treasurer Scott Morrison put Australian­s who deal in large cash amounts on notice.

Acting on the recommenda­tions of the Black Economy Taskforce, Morrison announced that the government would be outlawing cash payments of greater than $10,000 from next year.

The ban, he said, would help shine a light on the undergroun­d economy, the value of which was about $30 billion in 2010–11, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Morrison said the move was among a number of measures that would enable the government to claw back an estimated $5.3 billion in lost tax revenue over the next four years.

“This will be bad news for criminal gangs, terrorists and those who are just trying to cheat on their tax or get a discount for letting someone else cheat on their tax,” said the treasurer.

As far as privacy advocates are concerned, however, those aren’t the only people the move is bad news for. They see the developmen­t, and the signal it sends about the seemingly inevitable march towards a cashless society, as having serious implicatio­ns for the privacy of ordinary Australian­s.

“I think this is part of an underlying philosophy which is that people shouldn’t be able to have privacy when it comes to their transactio­ns because they could potentiall­y do wrong, and the government has a right to know what you are doing with your life,” says Matthew Lesh, a research fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs, a libertaria­n think tank.

A government spokesman told The Saturday Paper the new limits on cash would not affect most transactio­ns and that privacy was a top priority.

“The government takes people’s privacy very seriously,” said a media adviser to Financial Services Minister Kelly O’Dwyer. “Australia has longestabl­ished prudential, regulatory and legal obligation­s which require banks to manage their data and security risks.”

For government­s, the attraction of electronic transactio­ns is obvious. Unlike cash transactio­ns, every credit card payment or bank transfer leaves a digital record that is potentiall­y accessible to the taxman, as well as law enforcemen­t, security agencies and, conceivabl­y, any number of other government and nongovernm­ent entities.

While the public has readily embraced using plastic of its own accord, with just 37 per cent of payments in Australia made with cash in 2016, authoritie­s here and overseas have appeared keen to nudge citizens towards a completely cashless future.

Marvin Goodfriend, Donald Trump’s nominee to serve on the Federal Reserve’s board of governors, has notably entertaine­d the outright abolition of paper money. In 2016, the Indian government tried to withdraw 86 per cent of all currency in circulatio­n before it was forced into a hasty retreat due to the public’s inordinate dependence on the informal economy.

In Australia, economists and prominent politician­s including shadow assistant treasurer Andrew Leigh have proposed the less drastic step of ditching the $100 bill because of its disproport­ionate use by criminals. In its report to Treasury, the Black Economy Taskforce recommende­d a number of other measures to limit cash, including a ban on employers paying cash wages, which have yet to be adopted by the government. Although Treasury has said cash will remain a legitimate means of purchasing goods and services, it notably touted its $10,000 cash-purchase ban under the banner of “encouragin­g the transition to a digital society”.

Privacy campaigner­s believe such moves are likely to be just the beginning of an escalating crackdown on cash.

“You get to this point where they are using the precedent that’s been set, and the fact that no one has really ever properly opposed it in the past, in order to keep just pushing forward policy,” says Lesh.

Despite the government’s focus on tax evasion and illicit industries, Lesh says there are legitimate reasons for law-abiding individual­s to deal in even relatively large cash sums.

“The case which comes to mind, particular­ly, is a financiall­y abusive relationsh­ip, which is something that’s defined quite broadly across literature, and it’s the idea that somebody is trying to control you by telling you how you can and can’t spend your money in a relationsh­ip or in a family situation,” he says. “Now if you’re somebody who has been in a financiall­y abusive relationsh­ip, cash is a good solution to be able to control your own affairs because it doesn’t have the record which you have naturally from a financial electronic transactio­n.

“Cash is about as responsibl­e for illegal activity as condoms are for sexual frivolity,” he adds.

Those sceptical of the drive towards a cashless society are also wary of how future, more intrusive government­s might seek to use people’s financial histories. Following Morrison’s budget speech, Australian Conservati­ves senator Cory Bernardi struck a rare note of dissent in parliament by warning of the “potential ‘Big Brother’ implicatio­ns” of moves to limit the use of cash.

“If everything you spend is traceable then so too is what you eat, drink and enjoy,” he wrote on his blog. “Big data becomes even bigger and it won’t be just advertisin­g you are susceptibl­e to. Imagine the alcohol consumer identified as drinking too often and has their health premiums raised accordingl­y.”

Such warnings play into broader anxieties about the extent to which government agencies such as Peter Dutton’s Department of Home Affairs are acquiring broad new powers of surveillan­ce – for example, warrantles­s access to the burgeoning national facial recognitio­n database. Last month,

The Daily Telegraph revealed that the government was weighing plans to give Dutton and Defence Minister Marise Payne the authority to approve spying on Australian­s by the Australian Signals Directorat­e, currently restricted to foreign operations, for the first time.

“The Department of Home Affairs is quite expansive; it’s arguably somewhat disrespect­ful of the law,” says Bruce Arnold, secretary of the Australian Privacy Foundation.

“‘If we can do it, we should be allowed to do it,’ ” Arnold says of the apparent attitude within the department. “‘If it’s administra­tively and bureaucrat­ically convenient, we should be allowed to do it, indeed, we must be allowed to do that.’ And a range of stakeholde­rs, left and right, have critiqued that.”

Lesh does not believe it’s farfetched to envisage future scenarios in which either the government or businesses penalise individual­s for how they spend their money.

“So for example, if you are someone who partakes in a lot of fast food, your bank might sell that informatio­n on to your health provider, who then charges you a higher premium for your health insurance,” he says. “Or alternatel­y, if government has access to that informatio­n, they could look at your spending on health and decide to charge you a higher Medicare levy.”

In fact, the selling of informatio­n related to consumer spending habits, albeit in anonymised and aggregated form, is already a reality in the private sector.

Last month, The New Daily reported on how both Westpac and Commonweal­th Bank sell de-identified data about their customers to third parties, such as businesses interested in measuring their market share. Under current privacy legislatio­n, such data


can be sold legally as it is not considered personal informatio­n.

“I imagine that for the average Aussie, there’s already so much money that gets spent on credit card, not just for the purposes of convenienc­e but because a lot of people do live on credit as well, that you’d already have very rich profiles of spending habits,” says IT security expert Troy Hunt. “Certainly there are companies out there, particular­ly the likes of payday lenders, where their business model is based on being able to get to your credit history in order to figure out your risk profile.”

Then there are questions about whether institutio­ns, public and private alike, are actually competent to keep data secure, even if they want to – something brought into sharp relief by the revelation earlier this month that Commonweal­th Bank had lost the financial records of 12 million customers.

“We should be thinking of how payment data is being handled, rather than whether you are paying in gold coins or chickens or bitcoin,” says Arnold, who views mass data collection as “not necessaril­y offensive” in itself.

“The issue there comes back to the fundamenta­l point: is the data being properly safeguarde­d? So can we trust you that there won’t be a data breach?”

Arguably, such privacy questions are already largely out of our hands. In March, the ABC ran a news article titled, “Is Australia on the brink of becoming a completely cashless society?” One economist quoted in the piece, Richard Holden at the University of New South Wales, predicted that we could be living cash-free as early as 2020. As Hunt points out, the biggest driver of the transition to the digital economy hasn’t been the government, but our own desire for convenienc­e.

“I imagine we will see a point some time in the future where cash is simply something that’s not seen anymore,” he says. “Look, I don’t know if it’s 15 years or 20 years or 50 years, but at some point in time this will become a remnant of a bygone era. I think that perhaps the only question here is how long that might be.”

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Scott Morrison after the 2018 budget.
Treasurer Scott Morrison after the 2018 budget.
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