The Saturday Paper

Exclusive: Metadata requests top 350,000 Government agencies are using a loophole to access individual­s’ metadata without warrants, as Peter Dutton attempts to rush through further security agency powers. Karen Middleton reports.


At least 80 government authoritie­s, from federal and state law enforcers to department­s and local councils, are using legal loopholes to lodge 350,000 requests a year for access to Australian­s’ telecommun­ications metadata. These requests are made mostly without warrants and often without external oversight, sidesteppi­ng the strict national access regime establishe­d controvers­ially three years ago.

The practice was revealed during a parliament­ary inquiry that Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton is demanding be cut short, to allow him to accelerate new powers for security agencies to access more data, including informatio­n currently protected by encryption.

Dutton spoke privately to the chairman of the parliament­ary joint committee on intelligen­ce and security (PJCIS), Liberal MP Andrew Hastie, earlier this week and has now written to him, urging him to get the committee to move quickly.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison weighed in on Thursday, pressuring the PJCIS to stop deliberati­ng and endorse the legislatio­n.

“This is a bill that is before the parliament that I want to see passed in the next fortnight,” Morrison said. “I would urge the committee to complete their review as quickly as possible. Our police, our agencies need these powers now and I would like to see them passed. In fact, I would insist on seeing them passed before the end of the next sitting fortnight.”

The inquiry by the PJCIS has been told dozens of agencies are routinely bypassing the existing restrictio­ns in the Telecommun­ications (Intercepti­on and Access) Act, which permits only 22 security agencies to request access to basic unencrypte­d data.

Instead, many more across government are requesting subscriber details, including names and addresses and other details such as phone records, call durations and locations, using alternativ­e statutory provisions that allow them to bypass the act’s restrictio­n – including, potentiall­y, agencies among the 22 listed. These provisions allow

them to access the informatio­n faster and without the oversight of traditiona­l watchdog organisati­ons.

The Communicat­ions Alliance, representi­ng internet service providers, other private communicat­ions companies and some government agencies, told the PJCIS last week that the requests were putting service providers under pressure because it was increasing­ly difficult to determine whether they were lawful.

The Communicat­ions Alliance fears the new proposed legislatio­n covering encrypted communicat­ions will make the situation worse.

The proposed legislatio­n is designed to help security agencies prevent terrorism and combat serious crime, which is increasing­ly being organised via encrypted communicat­ions.

These security agencies say that, without it, they can’t keep up with changing technologi­es and that Australia’s national security is at risk.

It would give them new and more extensive access to personal informatio­n, including the encrypted informatio­n on smartphone­s and other electronic devices. Access notices would be issued and warrants served in secret.

But a wide range of other organisati­ons warn that without very careful considerat­ion, the legislatio­n could create more problems than it solves.

Communicat­ions Alliance chief John Stanton said a member survey had found at least 80 government bodies had requested unencrypte­d data by alternativ­e routes using a different law, the Telecommun­ications Act.

“That’s an everyday occurrence, roughly in the order of 350,000 times a year,” Stanton said.

He said the list provided “might not be complete”.

The bodies included Centrelink; the former department of immigratio­n and border protection, which is now part of Home Affairs and has carriage of the encryption bill; the Australian Border Force, and other law-enforcemen­t and anti-corruption bodies; the Australian Securities and Investment­s Commission; the Australian Tax Office; Australia Post; and state-based integrity bodies in the racing and taxi industries.

The list also included the federal department­s of defence, agricultur­e, families, housing and community services, as well as state department­s of health, employment, fair trading, fisheries, workplace safety, transport and other regulatory authoritie­s.

The Brisbane City Council and the Fairfield and Bankstown councils in Sydney’s west and Rockdale council in Sydney’s south were also listed.

Stanton said: “We have seen some authority creep, I guess you might call it, in the period since the data retention regime came into place.”

Recalled last week to expand on his remarks, he said the Communicat­ions Alliance had raised its concerns with both the Communicat­ions Department and the Attorney-General’s Department more than two years ago.

“They simply said: ‘Well, if it’s provided for under law then there’s nothing we can do about it.’”

Under section 313 of the Telecommun­ications Act, service providers are required to give agencies all “reasonably necessary” help in enforcing Australian criminal law, assisting in enforcing foreign law, protecting “public revenue” and safeguardi­ng national security. Access in relation to civil proceeding­s is not allowed.

Section 287 overrides privacy protection­s in life-threatenin­g situations.

But section 280(i)( b) provides the biggest loophole, allowing for access “if in any other case the disclosure or use is required or authorised by or under law”.

The act was passed in 1997 under the Howard government.

Similar generic wording is being included in new legislatio­n to establish the new Office of National Intelligen­ce. It would allow some agencies to bypass the Privacy Act in exchanging people’s personal informatio­n.

For serious offences, surveillan­ce and intercepti­on warrants must be authorised under the Telecommun­ications (Intercepti­on and Access) Act. That authorisat­ion can be given by a judge or a member of the Administra­tive Appeals Tribunal.

At a hearing of the PJCIS inquiry last week, shadow attorney-general

Mark Dreyfus asked the Commonweal­th ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe, if he thought using these alternativ­e pathways was legal, given parliament had provided a specific regime for access.

“I don’t know whether we’d want to cast doubt on whether it’s legal or not here,” Manthorpe responded, offering to look into it. “I can see there’s a question about whether it’s appropriat­e or whether it’s what the parliament intended, but I wouldn’t want to go so far as to cast a view about its legality or otherwise this morning.”

Manthorpe confirmed those metadata requests fell outside his powers of review, which were restricted to those made under the Telecommun­ications (Intercepti­on and Access) Act.

Communicat­ions Alliance security expert Patrick Fair said the notices asking providers to hand over metadata under the new legislatio­n could be issued with or without a warrant, as now.

In relation to encrypted metadata, it would be difficult for providers – and notice issuers – to determine their obligation­s.

“When trying to judge proportion­ality or reasonable­ness, you have no reference point other than the very wide criteria that was inserted into the legislatio­n after consultati­on,” Fair said.

“It pretty much gives the issuing officer a blank cheque to form a view that in some context at some time there may be a relevance and a benefit to law enforcemen­t for the notice to be issued.”

Security and law-enforcemen­t agencies have been seeking to reassure Australian­s that the bill will not give them carte blanche to access mass personal data.

Australian Federal Police Commission­er Andrew Colvin told the committee police would not have “unfettered and random” access. It would be carefully targeted and any access to content – as opposed to metadata – would still require a warrant.

Addressing the committee last month, the director-general of the Australian Security Intelligen­ce Organisati­on, Duncan Lewis, said the bill was about “engagement and co-operation”.

But the Communicat­ions Alliance complained that while some of its member organisati­ons had been consulted during drafting, the peak body representi­ng all of them had not.

Two key national security watchdogs, the Commonweal­th ombudsman and the Inspector-General of Intelligen­ce and Security, both gave evidence that although they had input at earlier stages they were not formally notified when an exposure draft of the bill – in which provisions had changed – was completed.

The IGIS, Margaret Stone, said her office – which scrutinise­s the work of 10 intelligen­ce agencies – found out about the draft through the media.

Ombudsman Michael Manthorpe, who has oversight of other law enforcemen­t agencies, described a similar process.

In contrast, the Home Affairs Department said Australia’s “Five Eyes” defence partners – the United States, Britain, Canada and New Zealand – were “kept informed” and received the exposure draft.

Both the IGIS and the ombudsman said the proposed legislatio­n to let agencies legally crack encryption lacks specific detail of oversight provisions

– it fails to spell out their monitoring roles – and needs extensive revision and improvemen­t.

Stone said the legislatio­n seemed to assume her organisati­on would be a “universal fixer” but without specific mention there could be legal doubt over whether she could scrutinise intelligen­ce agencies’ activities regarding encryption at all.

In evidence to the committee a month earlier, Home Affairs department­al secretary Mike Pezzullo had downplayed committee members’ concerns about using internally approved “notices” to make requests, rather than externally approved “warrants”.

“If we were to say to you ‘that notice is a warrant’ and through an incantatio­n and the sprinkling of some magic dust on it, all of a sudden greater oversight was achieved – it’s the same person: it’s the attorney-general of the Commonweal­th rigorously dischargin­g … their ministeria­l responsibi­lities,” Pezzullo said.

A month on, Stone did not refer specifical­ly to Pezzullo but her differing view on the importance of precision regarding authorisat­ion and oversight was clear.

“This is not abracadabr­a,” Stone said. “It’s not an incantatio­n. It has to be real.”

Further, she said other missing provisions in the legislatio­n could leave her unable to do the job properly, even if authorised.

For example, the bill did not require security agencies to notify her when they had issued a notice seeking access to encrypted informatio­n – access that might involve breaking another law – meaning her office would be in the dark when trying to review activities. She queried the secrecy provisions.

“I’m very concerned that we’re not looking for a needle in a haystack without being given something in the way of a magnet to draw it out,” she said.

ASIO chief Duncan Lewis had used exactly the same analogy a month earlier while arguing for the powers, saying trying to find “an infinitesi­mally small amount” of data without providers’ help was “similar to using a pair of precision tweezers to extract a needle from a communicat­ion haystack”.

Contrary to those suggesting security agencies wanted “backdoor” access to people’s encrypted devices, Lewis said they wanted to “go in through the front door”.

“The haystack, just to continue that analogy, is of no interest to us,” he said.

But dozens of other organisati­ons have warned that without careful considerat­ion of the proposed changes, the whole system – Lewis’s “haystack” – could become more vulnerable to cyber attack.

Last Friday, Human Rights Commission­er Edward Santow said: “A communicat­ions provider can be required to assist a government agency secretly by doing an almost limitless range of acts or things, such as to safeguard the interests of Australia’s national economic wellbeing. That goes much further than combating crime and it increases the risk of a disproport­ionate human rights impact.”

Last month, Duncan Lewis said a “small number of people” were using modern-day technologi­es to conceal activities that threaten Australian­s’ safety and security. Currently, it was impossible for security agencies to intercept and read their messages.

Lewis said all communicat­ions in Australia were expected to be encrypted within two years, so access laws had to change.

This week, Peter Dutton used the arrest of three men suspected of planning a terrorist attack in Melbourne to demand the PJCIS inquiry be abandoned and the legislatio­n rushed through parliament to give security agencies urgent access to encrypted informatio­n.

Dutton and other ministers also accused the Labor Opposition of obstructin­g the process and breaking with the usual bipartisan approach to national security, something Mark Dreyfus rejected.

On Thursday night, the PJCIS pushed back, issuing a statement saying it would hold another hearing next week to hear arguments about urgency.

“Since 2014, the committee has considered 15 substantiv­e national security bills and made over 300 recommenda­tions for amendment, all of which have been accepted by government,” chairman Andrew Hastie and his Labor deputy, Anthony Byrne, said.

“These reports have been carefully developed to ensure that new powers are proportion­ate and appropriat­ely balanced with human rights and privacy, and that commensura­te oversight and accountabi­lity is provided.”

The PJCIS has special status and is entrenched in legislatio­n because of its important watchdog role in scrutinisi­ng national security laws.

It must include six members of the house of representa­tives and five senators, with a majority from the government. By convention, all of them come from the Liberal and Labor parties.

As part of her crossbench deal to form government, then prime minister Julia Gillard allowed the former intelligen­ce analyst turned whistleblo­wer and now independen­t MP Andrew Wilkie to join, but his tenure ended with hers.

In his October evidence, Duncan Lewis endorsed the committee’s role in the “robust accountabi­lity framework” surroundin­g security agencies.

“Together with the [IGIS] and other bodies, this committee provides assurance to the Australian community with regard to the work that we undertake to ensure our actions are fair, proportion­ate and lawful,” Lewis said.

The Communicat­ions Alliance’s John Stanton believes it has more work to do.

“We certainly hope that the PJCIS will be allowed the time it needs to very thoroughly look at the provisions of this bill,” Stanton told the committee last month.

Not if Peter Dutton and the prime

• minister prevail. They say time’s up.

 ??  ?? Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton in Sydney this week.
Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton in Sydney this week.
 ??  ?? KAREN MIDDLETON is The Saturday Paper’s chief political correspond­ent.
KAREN MIDDLETON is The Saturday Paper’s chief political correspond­ent.
 ??  ?? KAREN MIDDLETON is The Saturday Paper’s chief political correspond­ent.
KAREN MIDDLETON is The Saturday Paper’s chief political correspond­ent.

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