The Saturday Paper

Aboriginal law


Thank you for my weekly dose of sanity. I never know where to start, as it is all soul-edifying. This week I chose Megan Davis’s “Looking for aliens”. Thank you, Megan, your comments on Ken Wyatt’s efforts resonated with me. You, the women of Cherbourg and the excellent cartoon (Jon Kudelka, “Constituti­onally Enshrined Voice to Parliament”, February 15-21) say it all.

– Sandy Siddle, Kelvin Grove, Qld

February 15-21) deserves expansion and repeating in response to evidence of creeping authoritar­ianism. Whether it’s children strip-searched to meet farcical, arbitrary targets, police and quasi-military Immigratio­n forces being armed with assault weapons as though in search of an enemy, any number of demographi­c groups targeted punitively for being different from an ideologica­lly constructe­d norm, asylum seekers who believed the rhetoric about Australian democratic values, or obsequious­ness to anything emanating from the United States, we’re a very long way from the larrikin self-image regularly lauded as the national character. I suspect White Australia’s origins may have something to do with it. If European colonisati­on was achieved through land theft, cultural disapproba­tion, class warfare and occasional mutiny, it is possible today’s establishm­ent might have to face the same existentia­l threats to its privilege. Doesn’t bear thinking about, really. So we’ll tighten the screws a bit, demand some respect and awe through force if not acceptance, and keep building a more realistic inter/national character of bully.

– Andrea Shoebridge, Victoria Park, WA

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