The Saturday Paper

Trade war: Can the China relationsh­ip be salvaged?

As Australia takes the serious step of referring its top trading partner to the World Trade Organizati­on, China watchers wonder whether a truce is now impossible.

- Michael Wesley is professor of political science and deputy vice-chancellor Internatio­nal at the University of Melbourne.

When the Covid-19 recession hit, Australia held the world record for the longest period of uninterrup­ted growth for a developed economy. Before this period of growth, ours had been an economy notorious for succumbing harder, faster and longer to global and regional recessions than other advanced nations. But since 1991, Australia has powered through three major regional and global downturns: the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, the dotcom crash of 2000 and the global financial crisis of 2008-09.

The major reason for this is China.

For the past three decades, growing trade, investment and services links to the surging Chinese economy have been Australia’s lifeline when economic turbulence has hit others hard. Even now, with relations between Beijing and Canberra at their nadir, China’s demand for our iron ore has provided better than expected results in this week’s midyear economic update. But the further deteriorat­ion of the relationsh­ip could mean that Australia will no longer be able to rely on our economic complement­arity with China to save us from the next global or regional downturn.

Future generation­s will wonder what happened to so damage the natural complement­arity of Australia’s and China’s economies. Close examinatio­n reveals that three factors have been at play.

First, Australia has allowed itself to be dragged into the polarising effects of a deepening rivalry between the United States and China. Whereas the government of John Howard successful­ly managed to decouple Australia’s relations with the US and China, government­s since have allowed Washington to make the nature and content of our relationsh­ip with China a test of alliance loyalty.

Dating from about the same time, Australia has become less willing to tolerate the more objectiona­ble aspects of China’s behaviour for the sake of economic gain.

Let’s be clear: China did not begin surveillin­g its own citizens, spying on other nations or acting aggressive­ly in the South China Sea only after Xi Jinping came to power. Instead,

Australia has entered a world in which it must maintain a relationsh­ip with a powerful country it deeply distrusts, and which deeply distrusts it … Both sides will need to withdraw from actively underminin­g each other’s interests and be able to reassure each other that this has happened.

somewhere along the way, Australia shifted from co-operating with China despite our difference­s to emphasisin­g our difference­s despite our complement­arities.

Canberra has also decided that responding to the threat China poses outweighs the benefits of a pragmatic relationsh­ip with Beijing. As with all threats, though, the appetite grows with the eating. All manner of linkages to China have been assessed as potentiall­y providing leverage for Beijing if the relationsh­ip turns confrontat­ional – and the very public process of doing so has turned the relationsh­ip confrontat­ional.

At the same time, there has been a systematic delegitimi­sation of the economic interests and mutually beneficial relationsh­ips that have undergirde­d the relationsh­ip. Anyone in business speaking in defence of pragmatic relations is accused of craven self-interest, while many university partnershi­ps are held up as evidence of a naive surrender to Chinese influence and intellectu­al property theft.

The Covid-19 crisis and stimulus funding have so far muted the domestic impacts of the shift in Australia’s relations with China. But in time, the sudden interrupti­on of resources, food and wine exports to their biggest and fastest-growing market will hit rural and regional communitie­s disproport­ionately hard. The ripple effects through these communitie­s will be devastatin­g and go well beyond the effects of a normal recession – because despite efforts at market diversific­ation, there is no alternativ­e to the scale and dynamism of Chinese demand. This will affect our politics also: if ties between the National and Liberal parties are strained now, imagine the effects when rural communitie­s start lobbying local members.

Political relations are now in deep freeze. Although Australia has decided this week to refer China to the World Trade Organizati­on over barley tariffs, it is unlikely Canberra will impose its own trade boycotts in retaliatio­n to China’s trade provocatio­ns. And so the initiative lies with China to disrupt the Australian economy when it wishes.

Beijing has learnt, in the course of its trade war with the US, how to target particular communitie­s and may already be applying these lessons to Australia. While trying to assert our independen­ce, we’ve potentiall­y entered a tutelage relationsh­ip with China, where it can reward or punish Australia according to its perception­s of how we’ve been acting.

The potential impact on Australia is not merely economic. There is the risk China will become a permanent antagonist. To know how that feels, ask Taiwan, which has faced a permanent diplomatic campaign to isolate it since 1972. Australia could become Beijing’s target in a renewed “Asianist” campaign for a regional bloc free of Western members.

Any new diplomatic initiative from Canberra could immediatel­y face China’s opposition, irrespecti­ve of its intent or content. Don’t expect our friends in the region to rally to our side: we’ve very ably demonstrat­ed the consequenc­es of angering Beijing.

At this point, Australia faces some very stark choices. It is obvious those who have so strongly advocated a more antagonist­ic relationsh­ip with China have no idea what to do now. Nor are invocation­s to “turn down the volume” or “act more and say less” likely to have much material impact on bilateral relations.

Australia’s leaders face a difficult question: Will the China relationsh­ip eventually recover or has it already shifted to a new footing? It is clear Beijing sees little downside and considerab­le benefit in inflicting further punishment and insult. If, after clear-eyed analysis, it’s determined the relationsh­ip has shifted, Australia needs to think clearly how to structure bilateral ties to reflect the new realities.

The current frameworks for Australia– China relations – the Comprehens­ive

Strategic Partnershi­p and the China–Australia Free Trade Agreement – may no longer be appropriat­e. But if the ideas of a strategic partnershi­p or free trade with China are no longer conceivabl­e, what then should replace them? And perhaps most pressing: What would a new and stable Australia–China relationsh­ip look like?

Currently, Australia and China each heap the entire responsibi­lity on the other for the deteriorat­ion in relations. To take any responsibi­lity would be to accept the other’s accusation­s. But a situation in which both sides believe the other is solely to blame is a recipe for inertia, because each believes that improvemen­t can only occur if the other admits responsibi­lity and reforms its ways. Neither Canberra nor Beijing is going to do that. Being pragmatic does not require caving in to the 14 demands Beijing released through officials in Canberra; it does require developing and implementi­ng a completely different approach to the relationsh­ip.

The place to start in reconceptu­alising our relationsh­ip with China is by admitting our strategy so far has failed. As China’s growth, foreign policy assertiven­ess and domestic authoritar­ianism began to alarm Australian and US leaders, Canberra and Washington began to search for levers that would limit China’s disruptive aspiration­s.

The objective was to return China to the internatio­nal posture developed by former leader Deng Xiaoping, by demonstrat­ing to Beijing the self-harming consequenc­es of departing from Deng’s playbook of nondisrupt­ive foreign policy.

There was a view, in Canberra and in Washington, that China’s assertiven­ess – whether in the South China Sea, or through boycotts and cyber attacks, or in unveiling plans to dominate high-tech sectors of the global economy – would increasing­ly alarm its neighbours and the world, threatenin­g to isolate China and damage its vital internatio­nal economic interests. Meanwhile, the US and Australia began directly competing against China’s foreign policy initiative­s: warning that the Belt and Road Initiative was a strategy of “debt-trap diplomacy”, while proposing their own infrastruc­ture schemes to woo South-East Asian and Pacific countries away from China’s investment.

As China faced the prospect of rising opposition to its actions and initiative­s, it was hoped that Beijing would moderate its disruptive behaviour and ambitions. This was why Australia and the US spoke loudly and frequently in favour of the arbitratio­n ruling against China’s claims and island-building in the South China Sea, warned others of the dangers of economic dependence on China, and flamboyant­ly trumpeted their moves against foreign interferen­ce and bans on Chinese companies building communicat­ions infrastruc­ture.

After nearly a decade, it is clear this strategy has failed. It has not moderated Beijing’s internatio­nal ambitions or claims, alarmed its neighbours enough to materially change their relations with China or damaged China’s internatio­nal economic interests.

In the Pacific, countries have willingly accepted increased Australian and American assistance, while at the same time gratefully accepting assistance from China. With typical frankness, Pacific leaders have said they have no interest in being dragged into a new Cold War between Washington and Beijing. Privately, leaders in South-East Asia say the same thing.

American trade policy has caused a decisive shift in China’s economic strategy. In May 2020, China’s leaders began promoting a new “dual circulatio­n” strategy that will guide the country’s internatio­nal economic activities into the future. While still vague on detail, the strategy prioritise­s greater emphasis on the domestic economy through indigenous innovation and greater public consumptio­n. Internatio­nal trade, investment and economic developmen­t co-operation will be structured to promote priorities in China’s domestic economy. The dual circulatio­n strategy is a big bet – predicated on the presumptio­n that China’s own innovation economy has sufficient size, scale and momentum to be self-sustaining; and that Belt and Road deals are sufficient to supply long-term markets and resource and energy supplies.

Even with Donald Trump due to vacate the White House, it is clear the basis of the global economy has shifted in ways that US president-elect Joe Biden will not be able to reverse. The technologi­cal decoupling of China from the US and its allies in Europe and the Pacific now has an unstoppabl­e momentum. The Covid-19 crisis has raised concerns about supply chains and overdepend­ence on certain markets and suppliers, and these concerns will persist for at least a generation. The fear of competitor­s gaining an advantage has swamped benign support for economic integratio­n that made all involved better off. The era of globalisat­ion is dying and being replaced by an era of autarky and trust-based trade, investment and innovation.

The consequenc­es for Australia–

China relations are profound. These new internatio­nal economic imperative­s mean that quality and cost – the two fundamenta­l trade advantages for Australia’s major exports – risk being displaced by strategic considerat­ions in Beijing’s selection of suppliers. If the dual circulatio­n strategy is implemente­d, and bilateral relations worsen further, Beijing will likely seek to replace Australian suppliers with alternativ­es from countries with which China has more positive relationsh­ips.

These de-globalisin­g trends and the deteriorat­ion in the Canberra–Beijing relationsh­ip require Australia to face up to the realisatio­n there is now a vanishingl­y small prospect relations will recover to the status quo ante. The relationsh­ip has transition­ed from a basically trustful one – where each side believes its own interests coincide with those of the other – to a basically distrustfu­l one, where each side believes the other’s interests are opposed to its own. The imperative in a trustful relationsh­ip is to build trust and the interactio­ns that underpin it; the imperative in a distrustfu­l relationsh­ip is to build resilience against the underminin­g of one’s own interests and values.

Australia has entered a world in which it must maintain a relationsh­ip with a powerful country it deeply distrusts, and which deeply distrusts it. This is a new experience for a country that’s used to all good things going together: strategic alignment, trade and investment and positive political ties. The good news is that we are not alone. Vietnam has a fundamenta­lly distrustfu­l relationsh­ip with China; Poland has similar feelings about Russia. There is much we can learn from nations outside our traditiona­l partnershi­ps.

Looking at other distrustfu­l relationsh­ips, there are clear pointers for our future China strategy. Tacit agreements that underpin pragmatic relationsh­ips can be built from a clear recognitio­n of distrust, plus an understand­ing that geography means a basic level of comity needs to be preserved. Such agreements rely on mutual understand­ings that deep and intimate collaborat­ion is impossible, but that pragmatic, interests-based accommodat­ion can be contemplat­ed. Further, there needs to be an understand­ing that while basic interests may be opposed, there will be limits to that opposition. Both sides will need to withdraw from actively underminin­g each other’s interests and be able to reassure each other that this has happened.

Reaching this state of Sino–Australian relations will be hard work and require political discipline. Preserving some of our mutually beneficial trade, investment and research relationsh­ips will require stopping subjecting them to pervasive suspicion, while acting – quietly and deliberate­ly – to build the resilience of our own activities and systems. And it will require clear signalling to the US, in word and deed, that Australia has its own interests in relation to China and will not tolerate these being judged as tests of alliance loyalty.

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