The Saturday Paper

Seville orange marmalade

Makes 9 × 300ml jars


• 1.5kg Seville oranges

• 1 lemon, halved

• 3lt water

• 3kg sugar

1. Remove the orange rind with a sharp vegetable peeler, julienne and set aside. Remove the pith and set aside.

2. Slice the orange flesh and add to the julienned rind. Place in a container with the lemon and add the water. Wrap the pith in muslin and add to the container. Refrigerat­e overnight.

3. Place all the contents of the container in a pot and bring to the boil. When it looks as if it has reduced by half, remove the bag of pith, pushing out whatever liquid you can. Remove the lemon halves. 4. Weigh the remaining liquid and orange. You should have three kilograms – if not continue boiling until you do. Once the desired weight is reached, add the sugar and bring to the boil, stirring until the crystals are dissolved.

5. Boil until the marmalade reaches setting point (about 105ºc). Bottle in sterilised jars, seal and store.

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