The Saturday Paper

Another policy failure


The extreme cruelty of the federal Coalition has long been apparent, in its scandalous refugee policies, in robo-debt, in its suppressio­n of wages, its tax cuts for the well-off, its fossil fuels advocacy and climate denial, its funding of privilege, its corrupt allocation of public money, its denigratio­n of women and denial of their rights, and its refusal to adequately address First Nations concerns. Is it too much to hope that its latest egregious act of cruelty – to abandon Afghans, despite impending Hazara genocide and crimes against women, denigratin­g those in dire peril as al-qaeda supporters – will finally enlighten those still enamoured of a government bereft of not just policy but any last shred of morality (Karen Middleton, “They took him from his home, and killed him...”, August 21-27)?

– Alison Stewart, Riverview, NSW

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