The Saturday Paper

The case for privatisat­ion.

- John Hewson

One of the most compelling public policy initiative­s globally over the past several decades, but unfortunat­ely one of the most poorly implemente­d, has been privatisat­ion. That is the concept of transferri­ng business, industry or services from public to private ownership and management control.

Much of the push for this came from the likes of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. Recall Reagan’s anti-government statement that “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” A similar sentiment drove Thatcher’s economics, namely her commitment to keep inflation low through tough budgetary policies backed up by tight monetary policy, privatisat­ion, deregulati­on, lowering inflationa­ry expectatio­ns and wage demands.

The initial driver and the only defensible argument for privatisat­ion was efficiency in the public sector, in the delivery of government services with more reliance on market objectives and discipline­s. Many government businesses had accumulate­d significan­t losses and were impeded by extensive political interferen­ce. Hence, ironically, an initial motivation was to get politics out of government businesses.

That soon proved to be a futile aspiration. Even though government­s were happy to pass over control of, say, a toll road or an airport, it wasn’t long before they brought political pressure to bear on tolls or air traffic, which mostly had a significan­t impact on the commercial viability of the service.

Unfortunat­ely, as government­s embraced privatisat­ions in the context of tight and difficult budgetary conditions, their predominan­t focus was on maximising revenue from the sale price or lease arrangemen­ts and ignoring important capital and recurrent distinctio­ns and any longer-term consequenc­es of the prices paid. Further, they did not worry about ensuring that the private operator would deliver the desired service on the terms the government would want; nor did they worry about the market conditions into which they were transferri­ng the asset.

Clearly, a high initial price paid for a government asset or business can constrain the private operator from making essential future investment­s to sustain the business. For

“A major weakness of most privatisat­ions has been the failure of government­s to specify up-front and in adequate detail the service to be provided by the private owner or operator. This has usually resulted in inadequate service provision.”

example, I recall when I was chairman of ABN AMRO Australia we were a major adviser and finance arranger for the privatisat­ion of the Victorian power assets. At the time I expressed concern at the very low internal rates of return inherent in the offers from some of the bigger global power industry players, which I feared would preclude them from making the necessary capital outlays to ensure adequate future generating capacity to avoid blackouts and closures, et cetera.

A major weakness of most privatisat­ions has been the failure of government­s to specify up-front and in adequate detail the service to be provided by the private owner or operator. This has usually resulted in inadequate service provision, often with significan­t political debate and fallout.

There are other downsides to the motivation to make these government businesses more market “real” and to work on a “for profit” model. Although not actually a direct attempt at privatisat­ion, the Howard government’s Aged Care Act in the late

1990s did facilitate “for profit” aged-care providers. As the aged-care royal commission has recently documented, some of the most appalling consequenc­es in terms of seriously eroding the quality of service in these homes are the result of this shift – food quantity and quality, availabili­ty of nursing services, medication abuses, and poorly trained, underequip­ped and underpaid staff. It is worth noting here that several of the states did also sell out of their residentia­l aged-care homes in the past.

The point about the market conditions into which government businesses are privatised is a very important one and there are several significan­t dimensions to it. Our government­s have generally been hesitant to address competitio­n issues for fear of reducing the sale price – indeed, are tempted to exclude competitio­n to maximise the sale proceeds.

This has been a particular­ly contentiou­s issue in the privatisat­ion of the Port of Newcastle. The new owners have been at pains to broaden the port’s focus away from dependence on coal exports, and to become another competitor in container traffic. The Australian Competitio­n and Consumer

Commission (ACCC) has noted that ruling out this possibilit­y will ensure that Port Botany and Port Kembla will have an “effective monopoly” in transporti­ng containers in New South

Wales for 50 years. Discouragi­ng competitio­n between the ports would be at the expense of farmers and manufactur­ers, possibly denying them access to more cost-effective export routes. The head of the Port of Newcastle has said that this competitio­n between ports would be to the clear benefit of farmers and manufactur­ers. This was not an issue in the privatisat­ions of the Commonweal­th Bank or Qantas – both were already operating in very competitiv­e global market circumstan­ces.

The electricit­y networks provide another useful example. A major weakness of their privatisat­ions was the emergence of “gentailers”, where the one company could operate as both a generator and a retailer. As much as government­s tried to avoid this, it has clearly given them a competitiv­e advantage, being able, in principle, to game both the wholesale and retail markets. The outcome has been a less fair energy market. In many cases, government­s have also sold the profitable parts of the network and kept responsibi­lity for the maintenanc­e of the unprofitab­le parts: the poles and wires.

Telstra offers another warning. There was an important alternativ­e to the total sale of telecommun­ications service, recognisin­g its dominant market position and striving for a more competitiv­e outcome for the consumer. The alternativ­e was to separate the main asset – namely the then landline network, which today would include the mobile network – and keep it in public ownership. The government could then license Telstra along with other service providers to access that network at the same cost, thereby encouragin­g them to compete in the provision of communicat­ions services to households and businesses.

This opportunit­y was forgone as government had all those dollar signs in its eyes. The expected proceeds from the share listing of Telstra in 1997 was $14 billion. There is now a very real question as to whether the incoming shareholde­rs got as good a deal as they could or should have.

The ACCC has recently announced a hard-line position on privatisat­ion in the following terms: “Privatisin­g assets without allowing for competitio­n or regulation creates private monopolies that raise prices, reduce efficiency and harm the economy.” The focus of ACCC chair Rod Sims at a recent regulatory conference was on the need to “either avoid monopolies or, if not, then regulate them to prevent costs to the economy arising from unfettered use of their market power”.

Privatisat­ions have been a fee feast for investment banks, especially where they have been able to clip the ticket several times in a transactio­n, for example taking a fee to set up an infrastruc­ture fund in which to hold and manage the asset, then taking additional fees for managing that fund or asset, and for each asset they were able to acquire on behalf of the fund. In other cases, they would have just been retained by a potential purchaser of the asset or business to negotiate on their behalf, along with additional fees for any equity or debt they would raise for the deal.

Unfortunat­ely, so much of the privatisat­ion process needs full scrutiny and accountabi­lity. Obviously, it is often a corruptibl­e process. There are many moving parts and interests. This is another strong argument for a national integrity and anticorrup­tion commission. The case for such a commission has been well establishe­d, with the significan­t loss of trust in government driven by the enormous waste of public monies in various rorts for perceived gain in key electorate­s – sports, regional grants and car park rorts the most conspicuou­s – compounded by the Morrison government’s denial of responsibi­lity and ducking of accountabi­lity. In addition, the government’s purchase of land from party donors at multiples of the valuations, as well as the prevailing mistrust that it will govern for more than its own personal benefit or the interests of its mates.

In recent years, public support for privatisat­ion has waned. So many key services that people have taken for granted as a government responsibi­lity have been recognised by an increasing number of people as inadequate – child and aged care, electricit­y and gas, phones, prisons. The concerns include the loss of transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, community and equity, and the ability to achieve effective communicat­ions with the service providers. Think of the personal hassles over power and phone bills. There is a feeling that government­s have just walked away from their responsibi­lities, by quietly shuffling off the design and delivery of essential services to the private sector.

It is most unfortunat­e that the inherent merit and logic behind privatisat­ion for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the delivery of government services has been lost through government greed. There has been undue focus on maximising the revenue from the sale of assets and businesses.

There has also been poor implementa­tion that has ignored the important question of competitio­n, mostly to the detriment of the consumers that, ironically, privatisat­ion was supposed to benefit by the provision of more cost-effective and accessible services. Moreover, some of the processes of privatisat­ion are corruptibl­e, further eroding the integrity and accountabi­lity of government and its practices and processes.

To save privatisat­ion as respectabl­e and dependable, a regulatory structure needs to be developed and enforced, probably built on the independen­t oversight of each deal by the auditor-general and the ACCC, backed up by a defined role for a new national integrity and anti-corruption commission. Accountabi­lity could also be enhanced by a greater focus by the senate estimates process.

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