The Saturday Paper

The Shortest History of Democracy

- Jeff Sparrow

“Many [people],” John Keane tells us, “think democracy is fucked.” That’s the context for Keane’s fascinatin­g little book: a history – as per its title – but also a defence of democracy. He begins by busting some myths.

The traditiona­l Anglophile narrative starts with classical Greece. But long before Athenian democracy, popular assemblies checked the ambitions of tyrants across what’s now Syria, Iraq and Iran. “[D]emocracy of the Greek kind,” Keane says, “had Eastern roots, and […] today’s democracie­s are indebted to the first experiment­s in self-government by peoples who have been, for much of history, written of as incapable of democracy in any sense.”

Keane does not discuss pre-class cultures, even though the egalitaria­nism of hunter-gathering seems to have facilitate­d decision-making systems that more hierarchic­al agricultur­al societies could not replicate. Instead, he problemati­ses the assembly-based democracie­s of the ancients, in which citizens – a category that usually excluded women and slaves – deliberate­d in the public squares of small city-states.

We associate democratic governance with peace. Yet Athenian citizens lived in an almost permanent state of war, with their participat­ion in political affairs entwined with their military service.

Though liberals today sometimes link democracy and secularism, Keane suggests the Greeks modelled their debates on the rowdy conference­s in which the gods thrashed out the governance of the universe. Yet if democracy sprang from polytheism, it did not depend upon it. On the contrary, Keane identifies a “punk quality” in democracy, rendering it “permanentl­y unsatisfie­d with the way things are”. A series of piecemeal innovation­s in mediaeval Europe fostered the transition from the assemblies of the ancients to the electorali­sm of modernity.

Keane notes the fraught relationsh­ip between parliament­ary democracy and the capitalism with which it was historical­ly associated. The electoral system posits each voter as politicall­y equal; the economic system mandates grotesque disparitie­s in power.

Yet he’s far more concerned about populism, something he sees as “an autoimmune disease of electoral democracy”.

For Keane, representa­tive democracy constitute­s an advance over the participat­ory methods of the ancients, partly because of its greater practicali­ty for complicate­d and geographic­ally diverse societies, but also because voting encourages pluralism and tolerance. Elections remind citizens of their diversity: they wouldn’t, by definition, be necessary if everyone voted the same way.

By the same argument, when demagogues promise utopias in the name of “the people”, they’re invoking a dangerous fiction, positing a harmony that doesn’t and cannot exist. It’s in these sections that the book reveals itself most clearly as a product of the post-trump era, its thesis a response to the authoritar­ian populism swelling not just in the United States but across the world.

Keane reminds us democracy must not be taken for granted, noting that, despite the seemingly inexorable spread of parliament­arianism in the late 19th century, by 1941 fewer than a dozen electoral democracie­s remained. Yet the book’s justified hostility to Trumpism leads to a history curiously devoid of popular agency. Consider Keane’s descriptio­n of how electorali­sm broadened from the 18th century onwards: “Eventually the working classes and women were acknowledg­ed as worthy of the franchise. Some colonial peoples, such as in Senegal, were even blessed with the right to vote. And the formal abolition of slavery happened; in the United States, a bloody civil war marked off electoral from slave-based assembly democracy.”

The passive voice elides how that acknowledg­ement took place, gliding over all manner of campaigns – the Chartists, the suffragett­es, the great wave of national liberation movements – that pundits today would dismiss as “populist”.

“Populism,” Keane insists, “shows that the ship of democracy can indeed be sunk by its mutinous sailors.” Yet if we’re discussing slavery, we might note that the abolitioni­st Frederick Douglass presented a very different version of the same nautical metaphor. He warned that a vacillatin­g Abraham Lincoln could not be trusted to deliver full equality, unless pushed by a mass struggle. “We are not to be saved by the captain,” Douglass said, “[…] but by the crew.”

Keane enthuses over what he calls “monitory democracy”: the augmentati­on of the political system by extra parliament­ary scrutiny, ranging from unofficial monitors in polling stations to scientists measuring the health of coral reefs. In particular, he values the “communicat­ive abundance” of the digital era, which ensures “every nook and cranny of power becomes the potential target of ‘publicity’ and ‘public exposure’.”

It’s a strange argument to make in the wake of Donald Trump, a man who thrived on the hostility of the media and exploited “communicat­ive abundance” for his own ends.

What gives the watchdogs of monitory democracy teeth? If they rely on state power, they’re predicated on the dubious notion that the state does not have interests of its own. If, on the other hand, their bite depends on the public (as Keane implies), their efforts only matter insofar as anyone cares. Wasn’t that the lesson of Trumpism: that The Donald could laugh off “exposure” precisely because the liberal media lacked a populism of its own?

Keane concludes his history by considerin­g those who dismiss democracy as a curse word. We won’t, he says, win them back with appeals to philosophi­cal models or timeless principles. Rather, we should think of democracy as a protean system that protects “different ways of living freed from the dictates of arrogant, violent and predatory power”, however they manifest themselves.

Here’s hoping his thought-provoking short history spurs some of the conversati­ons we need.

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Black Inc, 240pp, $24.99 Black Inc is a Schwartz company

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