The Saturday Paper

Climate and its health effects


I am shocked by the sheer extent of the impact of climate change on the health and wellbeing of Australian­s (Annabelle Warren, “The health case”, March 12-18). In particular, the entirely rational response of anxiety due to traumatic experience­s of extreme weather events, uncertaint­y and fear for the future is crippling for individual­s and communitie­s. Climate impacts are rife, yet still our federal government avoids its moral responsibi­lity to properly acknowledg­e the scale of the crisis and respond accordingl­y, further fuelling our collective woes (John Hewson, “Morrison’s Katrina”, March 12-18). We are already “suffering the consequenc­es” of inept leadership. This election year, we must take the opportunit­y to turn the tide before it is too late.

– Amy Hiller, Kew, Vic

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