The Saturday Paper

Hip pocket trumps other concerns


Richard Denniss’s article (“Inside the ‘cargo cult’ campaign”, May 7-13) explores the possibilit­y that our prime minister is destroying the faith of his party’s loyal followers in what used to be safe city seats. Given recent polling and the rise of independen­ts, this certainly looks to be the case, but like all arguments there is another side. The PM, despite his manifold sins and wickedness, is good at electionee­ring, and his promises of more coalmines and fracking ventures will resonate with those voters and indeed anyone who is unemployed, a group much larger than the official figure, especially in rural regions. So while polls show Australian­s are most concerned about climate change and political integrity, this is eclipsed by the need for financial security, a dream promised by both sides of politics even though they both intend to return to high immigratio­n levels that will keep a lid on wage demands and maintain the housing price spiral.

– Don Owers, Dudley, NSW

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