The Shed

Events galore at NZIPP Infocus 2016


The NZIPP Infocus Wellington 2016 conference on June 16–20 will include an array of events at the Wellington Waterfront for the public and conference goers to attend in order to immerse themselves in New Zealand photograph­ic goodness.

There are several free events to get involved with, including sitting in on the judging of the 2016 Epson/ NZIPP Iris Profession­al Photograph­y Awards and viewing the awards exhibition. There’s the Exposure 2016 trade show, at which attendees can explore the latest and greatest gear, and a Nikon I am Wellington walk that will allow participan­ts to experiment with all the latest equipment from Nikon. Multi-award-winning fashion photograph­er Vicky Papas Vergara will present a live shoot as she creates wearable art on her model and talks about styling and lighting, and everyone can get involved with the photo wall, The Wellington We Love — which encourages everyone to take a photo (using any photograph­ic device) that tells the story of the people of Wellington — print it out no larger than A4, and get it onto the wall.

There will also be a variety of exciting paid events, including the talk Printing Award Winning Images with Canon Master Jackie Ranken, the Canon Photograph­y 101 workshop, and personal print-critique sessions.

In addition, there’ll be the Adobe Creative Lightroom and Photoshop Full Day Workshop for Aspiring Photograph­ers, and another workshop on catalogue management to be presented by Adobe guru Mark Galer, which will be free to those registered for the conference.

James Simmons will lead the CR Kennedy Crack of Dawn Photowalk, and Darren Jew will host the Sunrise Shoot — Toast and Post.

To organize your schedule and see how much you can cram into your Wellington adventure, visit

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Vicky Papas Vergara

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