The Weekend Post

Ho-ho-ho and off we go, says Taipan



“I think it’s needed at this time,” Worthingto­n said. “At the same time it’s not like it’s a regular job. We can’t switch off completely and we’re stuck in the middle of a really tight season and there’s still work to be done.

“We’ve obviously got quite a lot of games coming up in a short period of time and to have this little mental breather if nothing else and just for the guys to refresh the bodies a little bit and like I said give it that last little push.

“I think once we get back on Boxing Day it switches up to Melbourne straight away but obviously for us I think we want to continue on what we’ve been doing as a basketball team and getting better, so this last week has definitely been more about us and how we can get better as a group.

“We’re a two or three game winning streak from being in the top four again.”

Worthingto­n said his teammates shouldn’t take the extended break for granted as demand for constant on-court action increased in the holiday season in future.

“In the earlier years when you didn’t have to play around New Years and you could have an extended break it was quite nice but I think with the ever changing landscape of sport in this country people want to see more games closer if not on Christmas Day eventually.

“On Boxing Day, Brisbane and Melbourne are doing it ... so I think it’s just a part of being a profession­al athlete now, playing on these holidays.” Worthingto­n said he had nothing particular­ly special planned tomorrow apart from a traditiona­l big breakfast and a light run amid the Christmas atmosphere.

“It’s more about the morning and the presents and seeing the kids’ faces. It’s a great time of year,” he said.

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