The Weekend Post

Kremlin, Iran join hate list


PRESIDENT Donald Trump stepped up his war of words against the world, firing on friend and foe alike even as his new top diplomat arrived for work.

Even Russia, with which Mr Trump hopes to mend ties, was not spared: US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said sanctions would stay until it ends its occupation of Ukraine.

Mr Trump also returned to the charge against Iran, his spokesman insisting “nothing is off the table” when asked about options for a military response to Tehran’s latest missile test.

The White House is drawing up expanded sanctions against Iran, hours after National Security Adviser Michael Flynn put Tehran “on notice” over the missile and support for Yemeni rebels.

Sources said the sanctions would likely be levied on individual­s or entities linked to Iran’s missile program.

Mr Trump himself said many countries are “really terribly taking advantage of us” and even accused Australia of trying to foist more than a thousand “illegal immigrants” on the US.

And, not content with bashing one close ally, he repeated his claim that the 23-year-old NAFTA trade agreement with Mexico and Canada had been a “catastroph­e” for the US economy.

And into this maelstrom walked the man that will have to help him guide US foreign policy through the years ahead, newly anointed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

The 64-year-old Texan oilman, who left the chief executive’s suite at ExxonMobil, was greeted on arrival at the State Department by around 2000 staff.

“Hi, I’m the new guy,” he told the crowd of diplomats and civil servants, before thanking them for their service and laying out the principles of his management style.

 ??  ?? President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
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