The Weekend Post

On top of the world being under water


FROM the inland seas of Europe to the crystal-clear waterways off Egypt and Thailand, dive instructor Perry Roos has explored them all.

Originally from New Zealand, the 37-year-old has worked in the dive industry for 12 years. Before that he worked for six years in the transport industry.

“I learnt to dive while travelling in Egypt 11 years ago. I absolutely loved it and signed up for a second course,” Mr Roos said.

“I was enjoying it and spending my money on diving, so thought it was a good idea to start getting paid for it.

“The dive master training course took me about a year and a half after I saved some money and then I moved to Thailand from Holland and that’s where I got my first job.”

Mr Roos joined Pro-Dive Cairns 10 years ago.

From swimming with whale sharks and manta rays to teaching people who have never been swimming in the ocean before, the job throws up plenty of challenges.

“I’ve taught people over the years who have barely spoken English. They don’t understand everything you’re talking about but you’re able to show them things underwater,” he said.

“You’d be surprised at the number of people coming through who’ve never enjoyed swimming or have a fear of the ocean or who nearly drowned as a child.

“It’s most enjoyable to be able to help people get over these fears or challenges. You don’t get bored. It’s never the same; no two people are the same. There’s no two courses which are the same.”

But Mr Roos said the best thing about diving was its similarity to travelling.

“Everywhere you go is completely different. Everywhere is different depending on the day of the week,” he said.

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