The Weekend Post



WHY YOU WANT TO 1 WORK THERE Employers look for staff who are passionate or, at least, interested in the work. As a minimum, ensure the right company name is outlined in your job applicatio­n. Jobseekers are unlikely to be hired if referencin­g a competitor’s company name. WHAT YOU HAVE TO 2 OFFER Perhaps it is a friendly personalit­y, prior experience, or a penchant for accuracy, but outline the skills and attributes you hold which will be useful or required for the role. 3 QUALIFICAT­IONS For many entry-level roles, a formal qualificat­ion may not be required. If you have studied a relevant course – be it a school subject, First Aid, or tertiary degree – put this on your resume. 4 CAREER GOALS Highlight how your career aspiration­s fit the casual role. 5 AVAILABILI­TY A Christmas casual role is not for jobseekers who stipulate “unavailabl­e on Sundays”. Pointing out your eagerness to work early/late shifts, on weekends and public holidays may mean you stand out for the right reasons.

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