The Weekend Post

Brawl sparks probe

Level of violence shocks police


POLICE are investigat­ing the cause of a street fight that involved up to 20 armed men and youths brawling and two participan­ts with serious injuries.

The violent suburban strife at Boyce St, Bentley Park, left a man and a teen admitted to intensive care with serious head injuries.

Police were alerted to the fracas about 6.15pm but, by the time they arrived at 6.35pm, many of the alleged combatants had fled the scene.

“Because we go with lights and sirens they all ran away,” Detective Inspector Jason Smith said.

“That includes the injured parties.

“Everyone was left looking at each other, we didn’t get a lot of informatio­n about the gravity of what had occurred.”

Officers realised the seriousnes­s of the brawl when a 49-year-old man and a 16year-old youth turned up in the Cairns Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.

The older of the two had been struck with a tomahawk and was taken to Townsville Hospital where he remains in a stable condition.

“I assume it was the blunt end,” Det Insp Smith said.

“If it was the pointy end his injuries would have been much more serious.”

The youth had been struck with a baseball bat that had splintered in the street fight.

He is being treated in Cairns Hospital and is also in a stable condition.

Neither of the injured males wanted to file a complaint, which has left detectives scratching their heads over the cause of the violence.

“What is amazing is that there are juveniles and adults involved,” Det Insp Smith said.

“At no stage did they call the police. Instead of seeking mediation they took up weapons and fought in the street.

“I am really concerned at the level of violence, it is not acceptable.

“It was in people’s front yards, it was quite traumatic to residents of Boyce St.”

Police conducted a number of inquiries at nearby homes, warning residents and appealing for witnesses to the incident. Investigat­ions are continuing.

“We will get to the bottom of this and those that can be charged will be charged,” Det Insp Smith said.

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