The Weekend Post



1. What is the name given to a cross in the form of an X?

2. What is the collective term for a group of locusts?

3. Who had worldwide success after singing her song “Absolutely Everybody” at the Sydney Olympics closing ceremony?

4. How old was Adolf Hitler when he died – 46, 56 or 66?

5. :KLFK FDU PDQXIDFWXU­HU ZDV ¿UVW WR KDYH over 100 Grand Prix wins?

6. Who created and appeared in the TV series 7KH 2ႈFH"

7. The Golan Heights are on the border of Israel and which other country?

8. Napoleon’s last battle was at Waterloo. Which country is Waterloo in?

9. :KDW ZDV VLQJHU %LQJ &URVE\¶V UHDO ¿UVW name – Tom, Dick or Harry?

10. :KLFK FRXQWU\ ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR VHQG D woman into space?

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