The Weekend Post



QUICK, lock the gates and don’t let anyone else in … New data has confirmed what any Far Northern native already knows — we live in a highly desirable place.

Even young-uns with itchy feet who spread their wings and leave after school inevitably come back, usually with family in tow.

The Commonweal­th Bank and the Regional Australia Institute have revealed Cairns is the third most favoured place for migration in Queensland and eighth in Australia.

Obviously lockdowns in southern states have driven the result and we’re seeing the evidence in our real estate market.

According to Champions in Real Estate sales adviser and negotiator David Galloway-Penney, the positive is that they can’t move just yet, so houses are being rented while they wait, easing the tight rental market.

But as freedom-starved as those Aussie-Mexicans are, they can choose anywhere.

So why the Far North?

Well, here’s what this born-andbred Northerner knows.

1. There is no shade of green quite like the hills and rainforest­s of home.

2. The skies are dramatic. Brilliant blue one day, dark and foreboding the next.

3. The mountains are mesmerisin­g.

4. You can be somewhere unique within two hours at all points of the compass.

5. Strangers still say G’day.

6. A pair of thongs are as priceless as Jimmy Choos.

7. Going diving or swimming is the only time you really need a suit.

8. It only takes me 12 minutes to get home from work.

9. Life is more laid-back and relaxed here.

10. Home is where the heart is. Jennifer Spilsbury


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