The Weekend Post



IT is time to reconsider National Service for all people between the ages of 18 and 20, with recurring service until the age of 40. The aim would be to serve in the armed forces, or if that is not acceptable for religious or conscienti­ous objector reasons, then serve in a land army to work around the country in the production of food, fuel or fibre.

Movement of Australian youth out of their city environs into areas of production would grow the knowledge of Australian­s about their own country and help rebuild a national pride.

Regimented training could be experience­d by everyone – all sexes and abilities. There are jobs for everyone – the only exemptions would be for people already in the armed forces, police or frontline emergency services. No other exemptions.

Spend six months in the first year, then two months every second year after that.

The advantages are clear, extensive and productive for the country.

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