The Weekend Post



1. Which is the world’s driest hot desert with more than 300 clear sky days a year?

2. Who was the Hungarian architect whose 1970s toy sold over 350 million units?

3. Who was Adolf Hitler’s second in command and head of the SS?

4. ,Q ZKLFK GHFDGH ZDV WKH ¿UVW SRO\PHU banknotes issued in Australia?

5. Where is the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydroelect­ric facility?

6. How many Olympic medals did Cathy Freeman win?

7. Name the genre of Mexican music typically played at celebratio­ns and events?

8. Name the album whose cover features a line of light refracted through a prism?

9. %DQNV\¶V ¿UVW NQRZQ ZRUN ³7KH 0LOG 0LOG West”, can be seen in which English city?

10. What colour does litmus paper turn in an alkaline solution?

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