The Weekend Post



1. The character, Ethan Hunt, appears in which series of movies?

2. What number is represente­d in binary as 1000?

3. What is a Korean dish of salted, fermented YHJHWDEOHV ÀDYRXUHG ZLWK PDQ\ VHDVRQLQJV"

4. Who became chancellor of Germany in December 2021?

5. In modern fencing, you could use an epee, sabre or what other weapon?

6. Which Formula 1 team has won the most driver and constructo­r championsh­ips?

7. Which fruit grows on a banyan tree?

8. Name the French artist recognised as the founder of Impression­ism.

9. What formula is used to calculate the area of a triangle?

10. In Rio de Janeiro, Rocinha and Cantagalo are the largest what?

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