The Weekend Post

Text the Editor


Wake up Andrew Rex Ryan (CP, 26/5), the Tully Millstream dam project was rejected because of the dynamite blasting, tunnelling, bulldozing and flooding of 4300 hectares including 135 hectares of World Heritage rainforest. Imagine the devastatio­n to our fauna not to mention the loss to our farmers.

Travis, Clifton Beach

What a big farce re power usage. We should be getting power cheaper with the wind power mills.

Stafford, Mareeba

The militarisa­tion of police with armoured vehicles and military-grade rifles is occurring all around the world as part of the globalists’ world control agenda. Has any policing situation in Queensland ever actually required the use of military-grade vehicles and weapons?

Curious, Cairns

Once again Labor election promises are out the door. Albo promised electricit­y prices would not rise for Australian­s, but fall. Now they’re going up again. Albo should stand down along with many others for failing on their promises.

Viv, Earlville

So we’re in for a electricit­y price hike like never seen before. That’s what happens when you shut down perfectly good power stations and pamper to the greenies and invest in expensive and unreliable wind and solar power generation. That has not helped reduce the cost of generating power. Wait for the blackouts in summer if you can still afford to buy electricit­y.

Anon, Cairns

Perri Conti (CP, 25/5) should talk to LNP opposition leader David Crisafulli about child crime. He doesn’t acknowledg­e traumatic single mothers and their problems, he always blames Palaszczuk for not having enough police officers in Queensland.

Ruth, Freshwater

At dusk in 1960s and 1970s, the skies above Cairns would be full of fruit bats as far as the eye could see. From the hills all the way out to sea they filled the skies as they flew east. That doesn’t seem to occur anymore. So what’s changed?

GTHO, Manunda

The news that the price of EV’s is coming down to equal ICE’s will infuriate climate change ostriches. The progressiv­e left is powering ahead with wind, solar and now electric vehicles.

Harvey, Westcourt

Lithium iron batteries are not only setting fires to houses and cars, they are also lighting up garbage trucks. Another classic example of undevelope­d green stupidity destroying the planet.

Rex, Cairns

How painful was my two hour trip to Cairns on Wednesday from the Northern Beaches because Council decided to do some gardening during peak hour. What a joke.

Leesy, Kewarra Beach

Watch Meatball Ron sink like a stone.

Atticus, Cairns

Send your messages for publicatio­n in the Cairns Post to 0416 905 148 with your name and suburb.

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