The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Casey honoured as life governor


Long-time Rural Northwest Health management board member Leo Casey has become a life governor of the organisati­on.

The award recognises a decade of service for Mr Casey, who completed a 10-year tenure with the board earlier this year.

Fellow board member Carolyn Morcom preVHQWHG 0U &DVH\ ZLWK D OLIH JRYHUQRU FHUWL¿FDWH at an annual meeting.

Mr Casey joined the board in 2006 during a period of heavy restructur­e and a year later was chairing the organisati­on. He remained in that role until a year ago.

In accepting the award, Mr Casey commended the team at Rural Northwest Health and the leadership that had turned the organisati­on into an award-winning service.

He also stressed the importance of partnershi­ps for the future of the region’s health services.

0U &DVH\ RI¿FLDOO\ RSHQHG D PHPRULDO SODTXH in recognitio­n of the service of former Warracknab­eal pharmacist Doug Mccoll, who died earlier this year.

7KH SODTXH LV LQ WKH IURQW JDUGHQ RI WKH :DU racknabeal campus and honours the hours of volunteer work Mr Mccoll gave to the community and its hospital for more than 50 years.

West Wimmera Health Service newly-appointed chief executive Ritchie Dodds was guest speaker at the meeting.

Mr Dodds presented an overview of the achievemen­ts and goals of Wimmera Southern Mallee Health Alliance.

The alliance includes Rural Northwest Health, West Wimmera Health Service, Wimmera Health Care Group and Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital.

Mr Dodds said the alliance, after a slow start, ZDV PDNLQJ SURJUHVV DQG FRQWLQXDOO\ ¿QGLQJ ways to partner for better health outcomes for the region.

He also commended Mr Casey and former Rural Northwest Health chief executive Catherine Morley for their determinat­ion to progress the alliance.

Rural Northwest Health’s new chief executive Kevin Mills also spoke at the meeting and used the opportunit­y to introduce himself to the community.

Board chair Julia Hausler led the annual meetLQJ IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH VLQFH VWHSSLQJ LQWR KHU UROH

Ms Hausler introduced newly-appointed board members Genevieve O’sullivan from Patchewoll­ock and Bendigo accountant Hugh Molenaar.

Board director, professor Amanda Kenny, preVHQWHG D ¿QDQFLDO UHSRUW DQG IHOORZ ERDUG GL rector Glenda Hewitt also spoke at the meeting.

0U &DVH\ LV WKH ¿IWK OLIH JRYHUQRU DSSRLQWPHQ­W since the start of Rural Northwest Health in 1999. Others are Max Gibson, Les Solly, Marie Aitken and Jean Webster.

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