The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Awards wrap up volleyball season


Bright young talent mixed with experience­d campaigner­s was the highlight of award presentati­ons wrapping up Volleyball Horsham’s winter season.

In A Grade, veteran Tim Popple took home his eighth Robinson Medal in a thrilling count, UHFRUGLQJ YRWHV IRU WKH VHDVRQ WR ¿QLVK DKHDG of Chris Hans Ca-ayon Galo on 13, Tyler Puls, 12 and Kara Johnson, 11.

3XOV FROOHFWHG KLV ¿UVW $EXG 0HGDO IRU EHLQJ the most consistent male, while Johnson won her eighth Mcintyre Medal for being the most consistent female.

In B Grade, again veteran Waterhamme­rs spiker &KULV %DNHU ¿QLVKHG RQ WRS ZLWK YRWHV FROOHFW ing his seventh Radford Medal ahead of team-mate Andrew Wundke, 19, Murtoa’s Bailey Logan, 18, and Von Steiger Brothers’ Emma Avery, 15.

,W ZDV /RJDQ¶V ¿UVW $EXG 0HGDO ZKLOH $YHU\ collected consecutiv­e Mcintyre Medals, underlinin­g how good her year was in 2018.

It was an all-murtoa affair in C Grade, with a countback deciding the top two.

0XUWRD 1XJJHWV¶ /OR\G %DNHU ¿QLVKHG DKHDG of Murtoa Railway’s Ronan Garth-lindsay, with both boys receiving 19 votes.

%DNHU JDLQHG WKH QRG UHFRUGLQJ ¿YH WKUHH YRWH games, ahead of Garth-lindsay’s three, to win his ¿UVW 2¶&RQQRU 0HGDO 7KH $EXG 0HGDO ZHQW WR Piccolo Nuggets’ Blake Turner, while Rej Smith from the premier team Bingo Biddies won her third Mcintyre Medal.

In the junior division, Murtoa Geckos’ Noah +RUYDW ZRQ KLV ¿UVW /DGORZ 0HGDO DV WKH PRVW valuable player in a runaway win over Phantoms West’s Sophie Quick.

Phantom boys’ Joey Nagorcka won the junior Abud Medal, while Horsham College’s Tayla Eltze won the Mcintyre Medal.

7R ZLQG XS D JUHDW \HDU RI YROOH\EDOO RI¿FLDOV presented 14 members with game-milestone cerWL¿FDWHV

JDPH FHUWL¿FDWHV Tamikah Dockrill, Tyler Puls, Tyler Snowden, Eadie Garth-lindsay, Leigh Creasey, Emily Hannan and Rej Smith.

JDPH FHUWL¿FDWHV Paddy Sherry, Molly Hobbs and Jack Hannan.

JDPH FHUWL¿FDWHV Mark Radford, Emma Avery and Delaney Wills.

:KLOH WKH GRPHVWLF \HDU KDV ¿QLVKHG WKHUH DUH still some volleyball­ers excited for action next week as teams from St Brigid’s, Murtoa and Horsham colleges head to Melbourne for the National Schools Cup.

The competitio­n features 550 teams from 150 schools from across Australia and New Zealand playing at four venues across Melbourne in the biggest school sporting event in the Southern Hemisphere.


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