The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Laughter the best medicine


Apresentat­ion of a live governorsh­ip award to recently retired Horsham general practition­er Doug Jinks was among highlights of Wimmera Health Care Group’s annual meeting.

Dr Jinks, on accepting his award during the meeting at Coughlin Park, spoke of the importance of humour in medicine.

“I hope my legacy is my somewhat Australian sense of humour,” he said.


“Perhaps laughter is still the best medicine.”

Health group board of management chairwoman Marie Aitken welcomed 90 guests to the meeting, which also featured the release of the 20172018 annual report, quality account, and presentati­ons from four guest speakers.

“We were fortunate to hear presentati­ons from Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital acting chief executive Andrew Saunders about the work of the Wimmera Southern Mallee Health Alliance,” she said.

“We also heard from patient services director Kym Peter about paWLHQW ÀRZ ZKLOH UHVLGHQWLD­O VHUYLFHV director Maree Woodhouse spoke about falls prevention.

“Primary and community care director Tony Tuohey did a presentati­on on the Pulmonary Rehabilita­tion Research Program.

“We are very grateful to the speakers for their efforts in putting the presentati­ons together and delivering them for us.”

Chief executive Catherine Morley VSRNH EULHÀ\ DERXW WKH \HDU WKDW was and the hospital’s goals in the QHDU IXWXUH DQG ¿QDQFH DQG FRUSR rate service director Mark Knights RXWOLQHG WKH KHDOWK VHUYLFH¶V ¿QDQFLDO situation.

Ms Morley acknowledg­ed the many auxiliarie­s and support groups that worked hard to raise money for the health group.

³7KHLU ¿QDQFLDO FRQWULEXWL­RQV DUH directed to purchases which contribute to the ongoing care of our patients and residents and we sincerely thank them for their wonderful work,” she said.

“This includes Horsham and District Orchid Society for the display members did for the meeting.”

Mrs Aitken also spoke fondly of the late Phillip Campbell, who died while a member of the management board in August.

Mrs Aitken presented Mr CampEHOO¶V ZLIH 5KRQGD ZLWK D FHUWL¿ cate of appreciati­on and a bunch of ÀRZHUV IRU 0U &DPSEHOO¶V \HDUV RI service.

Wimmera Health food-services team for the event. Care Group’s provided supper

 ??  ?? RECOGNITIO­N: From left, Wimmera Health Care Group management board deputy chair Richard Goudie, chief executive Catherine Morley, Dr Doug Jinks and chairwoman Marie Aitken during a presentati­on to Dr Jinks.
RECOGNITIO­N: From left, Wimmera Health Care Group management board deputy chair Richard Goudie, chief executive Catherine Morley, Dr Doug Jinks and chairwoman Marie Aitken during a presentati­on to Dr Jinks.

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