The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Busy period for council


Northern Grampians Shire Council has released statistics showing a busy three months for the municipali­ty.

The informatio­n includes details about capital works projects, planning, economic growth and funding.

Mayor Kevin Erwin said a council works program had been extensive.

“We’ve had a lot of road grading done, Stawell streetscap­e, Halls Gap works are underway and there’s been plenty of funding and election promises made for projects,” he said.

“A lot of hard work has been done both in the public eye and behind the scenes, and we should be able to see the fruits of this labour in the new year.”

&DSLWDO ZRUNV ¿QLVKHG EHWZHHQ -XO\ and September included Woods, Dawson and O’callaghan streets footpaths in Stawell, a resheet of Band of Hope Road at Deep Lead and completion of Cato Park lighting in Stawell.

Cr Erwin said funding highlights included a $200,000 grant to upgrade transfer stations in Stawell and St Arnaud to be able to take on e-waste, a $200,000 upgrade to St Arnaud civic precinct, and $100,000 to upgrade Great Western netball court.

The council issued 25 planning permits valued at $3.6-million and received eight Business Assistance Scheme applicatio­ns at a value of $49,000 – with 11 potential jobs created and expectatio­n of $6.2-million in new developmen­t.

The past quarter also showed a 24 percent rise in health and wellbeing membership­s at Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre and the launch of playgroups in Stawell and St Arnaud. It also featured the launch of public internet Wi-fi for St Arnaud.

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