The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Kaniva park taking shape


SRFLR HFRQRPLF EHQH¿WV RI D $1.215-million Kaniva Wetlands and Fauna Park will soon VWDUW ÀRZLQJ LQWR WKH :LPPHUD¶V far west with constructi­on of the project well underway.


Wimmera landscapin­g contractor Landscape IT has been busy transformi­ng the park on behalf of West Wimmera Shire Council.

The project represents one of the largest developmen­ts in Kaniva for many years.

After a clean up of park vegetation and clearing of dead and unsafe tree branches, the park is ready for installati­on of a new nature-based play VSDFH LQFOXGLQJ WKH À\LQJ IR[

Wetland enhancemen­t is also a major part of the project and visitor DPHQLWLHV D SDUURW ÀLJKW DUHD DQG a native-forest fruits orchard are scheduled to be complete by late 2019.

Constructi­on of a 750-metre walking track that weaves throughout the park and wetlands has also started.

On the Western Highway and within walking distance to the town centre, the Kaniva Wetlands and Fauna Park is designed as a major tourism amenity.

As well as providing a rest stop for travellers, the park’s function is to encourage people to visit the area for a wildlife experience.

It will also provide a community gathering area for Kaniva district people.

Work starting has meant authoritie­s have had to close the park during constructi­on.

Kaniva wetlands were establishe­d more than 30 years ago to aid in the FDSWXUH DQG ¿OWHULQJ RI VWRUPZDWHU

The area’s fauna park was developed about 10 years later to add to the interest of the area.

Federal and state government­s, as well as the Kaniva community, have provided money for the developmen­t project.

7KH VXEMHFW RI VLJQL¿FDQW FRP munity support for many years, the project gained major traction in 2016 when the Federal Government announced it would pump more than $600,000 into helping make it happen.

The balance came from the State Government and West Wimmera Shire Council.

+LJK YROXPHV RI WUDI¿F EHWZHHQ Melbourne and Adelaide travel through Kaniva and the project is likely to establish a major respite stop for many on the Western Highway.

Federal Member for Mallee Andrew Broad said at the time of the Commonweal­th funding the project was likely to provide long-term soFLDO DQG HFRQRPLF EHQH¿WV DQG JHQ erate tourism opportunit­ies.

“It’s all about people who are driving through Kaniva to stop a little longer, to spend a little more and for the locals to have a great place to visit, which will be really good for children,” he said.

 ??  ?? UNDERWAY: Workers, from left, Jason Perry, Bernie Ward and Brett Perry amid developmen­t of Kaniva Wetlands and Fauna Park.
UNDERWAY: Workers, from left, Jason Perry, Bernie Ward and Brett Perry amid developmen­t of Kaniva Wetlands and Fauna Park.

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