The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Oak program brings reward



program introduced to year-seven students at Marian College in Ararat last year has been expanded.

The school implemente­d the Oak Program at all levels this year based on the success of the 2018 program.

Principal Carmel Baker said the program was named in recognitio­n of the colleges’ strong Brigidine tradition and of the original oak trees planted by the pioneering sisters more than 130 years ago.

“Tailored to the different age groups and their needs in 2019, this comprehens­ive program provides students with an understand­ing of the important link between positive thinking about themselves, their world and others, and their approach to learning,” she said.

“We know happy, positive students learn best. Sometimes we can be so focused on the future that we forget to enjoy the present and the great achievemen­ts along the way.”

Mrs Barker said teenagers experience­d challenges at different times in their life and sometimes needed extra support to find the positives ‘in the now’ to help them experience success as motivation to reach higher.

“Many skills can be taught including the developmen­t of personal character strengths,” she said.

“Older students learn how to focus on more complex issues impacting their life and how they can learn resilience, perseveran­ce, patience and good study habits.”

The positive-education program is designed to teach students ways to recognise and develop character strengths such as appreciati­on of beauty, excellence, love, kindness, curiosity, humility, humour, bravery, teamwork, social intelligen­ce, self-regulation, honesty and hope.

Students complete a weekly gratitude journal to reflect on all they have to be grateful for: friends, family, kindness and strangers who enter their life to teach them something.

“This sits so well with our Brigidine values,” Mrs Barker said.

“The Oak Program at Marian College provides students with an increased capacity to learn effectivel­y.”

– Carmel Baker

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