The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

EPA helps farmers meet regulation­s


A trove of informatio­n on how to manage farms in an environmen­tally sensitive way is now only a click away for farmers.

Environmen­t Protection Authority, EPA, Victoria has launched an agricultur­al guidance section on its website full of advice for farmers on how to minimise environmen­tal impact and comply with Victorian regulation­s.

EPA executive director Damian Wells described the new website as a ‘one-stop shop for online advice’ and said there was useful informatio­n for everyone in the agricultur­al sector.

“We aim to support farmers. Equipped with the right advice, farmers can manage the farm in a way that minimises harm to the environmen­t and human health, meets Victorian regulation­s, and helps them to pass on their farms to the next generation in good condition,” he said.

“Victoria’s $13-billion agricultur­al sector is very broad and we want to ensure our advice meets farmers’ needs.

“That’s why we’re encouragin­g them to tell us where they need greater support.

“Our agricultur­al guidance page includes a simple, two-minute survey that gives farmers an easy way to ask for the environmen­tal advice they most value.”

The website offers advice on a range of topics, including livestock planning, farm waste, chemicals, noise, water, and sediment and dust.

People can visit the website at www.epa.vic.­al-guidance.

Farmers and members of the public can report pollution to EPA’S 24-hour hotline by calling 1300 372 842.

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