The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Our mountains are for everyone


Speculatio­n surroundin­g the future of rock climbing in our national and state parks has provided a timely reminder of the importance of environmen­tal assets many of us take for granted.

We remain unsure where debate drawing recreation­al climbing activities into loggerhead­s with culturalhe­ritage values through a perceived threat is leading.

What we do know and are seeing clearly, is that people from diverse background­s, interests and motivation­s place a high degree of importance on our Wimmera mountain parks.

It is an imperative that authoritie­s develop, if they haven’t already, a clear understand­ing of all the issues involved when brokering a suitable compromise.

There is much at stake and we need to clear the air as soon as possible.

As well as environmen­tal and cultural values, our parks have obvious and profound socio-economic importance.

Parklands are living, breathing examples of natural life, which involve what’s happening today as much as yesterday.

As such, levels of protection must be broadly representa­tive and require careful considerat­ion.

Few would argue about a need to protect and preserve natural assets for future generation­s and the argument is just as strong that we need to ensure people can access and use, as well as appreciate, these assets into the future.

It’s all about finding the right balance.

A ban on rock climbing in areas of Grampians National Park in response to cultural sensitivit­y, rightly or wrongly depending on a point of view, is more than an unfortunat­e developmen­t.

It affects many people and threatens to draw a line through an important tourism attraction.

It has also fuelled speculatio­n that a similar circumstan­ce might unfold at Mount Arapiles-tooan State Park.

If this is an issue that needs to be explored at Mount Arapiles as well as the Grampians, then fair enough.

But Victoria, the Wimmera and when it involves Mount Arapiles, particular­ly the town of Natimuk, can’t afford any determinat­ion that leans too heavily one way.

The Grampians, or Gariwerd, is home to significan­t examples of early human society in Australia.

Mount Arapiles is such an imposing feature of the landscape that based on what we know about human habitation dating back thousands of years, it would have certainly had cultural significan­ce.

Arapiles is renowned as a premier rock-climbing destinatio­n and as a magnet for internatio­nal visitors has provided the bedrock for a unique, diverse and evolving Natimuk district community.

Apart from the odd ‘cowboy’, the reality is that a high percentage of people with rock-climbing background­s in the Wimmera would be more of a friend than foe to cultural assets in the region.

Many are devout environmen­talists and a powerful influence on the influx of climbers who visit the region.

We hope the debate, which is somewhere between being speculativ­e white noise and profoundly serious, ends up being a win for everyone involved.

As a magnanimou­s and sophistica­ted society we can’t afford to disrespect historic sites, especially where there is proven cultural significan­ce.

But we can also ill-afford to dismantle a primary socio-economic driver that is proving a major winner for regional health and vibrancy.

We can all be winners with the right approach.

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