The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Brigade ready for action


Country Fire Authority’s Horsham Fire Brigade captain believes a team can never have enough volunteers.

But captain John St Clair said the Wimmera group was teeming with members and prepared to manage what would likely be an ‘interestin­g’ fire season.

He said Horsham Fire Brigade, with 98 members including 47 fire responders, had started planning for the upcoming season, which he predicted would be considerab­ly worse than previous years.

As a result, he said the Horsham group would start town-protection burns in areas including Dooen Road and the Wimmera Highway in the next three to four weeks as a defence.

“We believe if we put what we call a burn through those areas, it takes all the fuel away,” he said.

“That puts some protection on the town and if we get a fire from the north, where most of our bad fires come from, it gives us a fall back line – a break line – where we can make a good stand.

“The past couple of years haven’t been too bad for the Wimmera in my opinion, but we’re probably looking at a bad one coming.”

Mr St Clair said the weather buildup to this year’s season, as well as the weather in states further north, would likely impact the extremity of fire emergencie­s in coming months.

“I gauge what might happen here off what happens in New South Wales and Queensland,” he said.

“You never see Queensland fires in the news, but this year it’s just been non-stop with their fire season.

“And while in the past couple of years we have not had the lightning and wind mixed together with the dry conditions, in my opinion we are probably about due to get that.

“So, I think we need to prepare for an interestin­g year.”

Mr St Clair said the unpredicta­ble nature of fire season meant it was also a good time for Wimmera residents to start preparing their own properties and fire-management plans.

“Coming into the fire danger period, people who live on the outskirts of town and even people in town can do simple things like keep their grass down, clean their yards and gutters,” he said.

“If you have piles of wood, stack it all up and keep other things away so if there is a fire, it won’t burn into it.

“Get in early, then you won’t be doing it all at the last minute, and if you are not sure what to do or how to go about it, visit the CFA website, www.”

Mr St Clair said when it came to finding informatio­n about the latest incidents and fire emergency warnings, people should also monitor the Vicemergen­cy app.

Horsham fourth lieutenant Rachelle Smith warned residents, however, that they should also exert common sense when using the phone applicatio­n.

She said a few people had used the app as a ‘sticky-beak’ tool.

“The safest action is to stay away from fires,” she said.

“The emergency app is great because we’re giving the community informatio­n, but in saying that, don’t go towards the fire, stay away and let us do our job.”

 ??  ?? AT THE READY: Horsham Fire Brigade captain John St Clair and fourth lieutenant Rachelle Smith are among Wimmera volunteers preparing for the upcoming fire season. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
AT THE READY: Horsham Fire Brigade captain John St Clair and fourth lieutenant Rachelle Smith are among Wimmera volunteers preparing for the upcoming fire season. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

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