The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Exhibition captures meaning and moments


The photograph­ic moments of eight Wimmera women will feature at The General Store, Warracknab­eal from November 10 to 25.

The 448 images captured with mobile phones during an eight-week ‘Mindful Mobile Photomakin­g’ course at Warracknab­eal Neighbourh­ood House feature an array of Wimmera people, buildings, communitie­s and landscapes.

Named ‘Captured Moments’, the exhibition includes works from Bev Brown, Melissa Huebner and Pam Liersch of Warracknab­eal, Patricia Choueiri and Prue Mccredden of Beulah, Carol Paech of Albacutya, Helen Ballentine of Hopetoun and Judith Bysouth of Horsham.

Course creator and facilitato­r Simone Dalton said the hundreds of images visually documented a creative process of producing one image daily, based on changing weekly themes.

“Visitors to The General Store will see photos taken around the house and garden in the first two weeks and some familiar faces, including Warracknab­eal’s town cat Moses, in portraits week,” she said.

“There are many reflective and breathtaki­ng images, with themes of meaning in life and nature, while community and street photograph­y themes involve places, faces and activities across the region and beyond.”

She said two participan­ts spent time at the Royal Melbourne Show providing plenty of sideshow, animal and CWA scone pictures.

The program finished with black and white week, full of shadows, light, lines, drama and a few big full moons.

Pam Liersch enjoyed creating and learning to use filters on her photos.

“I hope my photograph­s inspire viewers to look beyond what the eye sees, to discover the beauty around us,” she said.

Melissa Huebner enjoyed capturing different images.

“It made me stop and take the beautiful shots that usually might be too hard or inconvenie­nt to do,” she said.

Helen Ballentine found new purpose being challenged by the weekly themes, while Carol Paech hoped to share her enjoyment of photograph­ing places others rarely see.

“While gathering this collection, it was the first time in many years that I captured meaning rather than moments,” Carol said.

Patricia Choueiri enjoyed her weekly trips to Warracknab­eal where she made new friends, including Moses the cat, and Prue Mccredden and Judith Bysouth both have a new appreciati­on of their surroundin­gs.

The project was part of the Farming Resilience Project, funded by the Victorian Department of Health, mental health branch.

‘Captured Moments’ is at The General Store from November 10 to 25, with an opening at 6pm on November 10.

 ?? ?? SNAP HAPPY: Six of the eight Wimmera women whose collective 448 images will feature in an exhibition at The General Store in Warracknab­eal, from left, Judith Bysouth, Carol Paech, Patricia Choueiri, Bev Brown, Hellen Ballentine and Pam Liersch.
SNAP HAPPY: Six of the eight Wimmera women whose collective 448 images will feature in an exhibition at The General Store in Warracknab­eal, from left, Judith Bysouth, Carol Paech, Patricia Choueiri, Bev Brown, Hellen Ballentine and Pam Liersch.

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