The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Green light for Sloane Street works


Extensive road safety improvemen­ts on Sloane Street, Stawell have received a green light.

The Federal Government has awarded Northern Grampians Shire Council a $1.8-million grant, which mayor Kevin Erwin said would address safety for residents, pedestrian­s, cyclists and motorists after a number of crashes.

Works include extension of the kerbs at the intersecti­ons at Sloane and Patrick streets, Sloane and Maud streets, and Sloane and Wakeham streets to enhance visibility.

Patrick and Wakeham streets will also see improved pedestrian facilities and the introducti­on of bicycle lanes.

New roundabout­s will be installed at the intersecti­on of Shirreff and Sloane streets and Cooper Street intersecti­on. This work includes a median island in Dawson Street, preventing vehicles from turning right out of Dawson Street into Sloane Street.

There will be improved pedestrian facilities, along with kerb extensions and bicycle lanes installed at the intersecti­on of Sloane and Brown streets.

The road will be widened to accommodat­e bicycle lanes on both sides of Sloane Street between Western Highway and Cooper Street and speed will be reduced from 60kmh to 50kmh between Patrick and Cooper streets. The remainder of the street to the Western Highway will stay at 60kmh, for now, and reassessed once housing developmen­t in the area is completed.

Cr Erwin said works would begin in early 2024, with completion due by year’s end.

“Visibility will be better, pedestrian­s and cyclists will be safer and motorists will slow down,” he said.

“These projects will not just reduce the incidence of vehicle accidents in our shire; they will provide new opportunit­ies for greater health benefits with improved pedestrian facilities and the introducti­on of bicycle lanes.”

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