The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Fire restrictio­ns come into force


Nine areas across five Wimmera municipali­ties will enter a fire danger period on Monday.

Restrictio­ns will be in force in Hindmarsh shire north and south, Horsham Rural City north and south, Northern Grampians shire, West Wimmera shire north and Yarriambia­ck shire north, central and south.

Officials have not announced a start date for the fire danger period in Ararat Rural City north and south, or West Wimmera shire south, central east and central west at this time.

CFA District 17 assistant chief fire officer Mark Gunning said abundant fuel across the Wimmera from another good spring was starting to dry rapidly.

“Unlike the past two years, we will get dry, windy weather – so people need to make sure they have all their plans in place and all their readiness work done,” he said.

No burning off is permitted during the fire danger period without a permit.

People completing burn-offs must notify authoritie­s online at firepermit­ or by phoning 1800 668 511.

By registerin­g a burn-off online, emergency call-takers can allocate more of their time to taking calls from people who need emergency assistance immediatel­y.

There are strict conditions attached to these permits and the liability sits with the permit holder to ensure they always act safely.

Lighting fires in the open without a permit can lead to a penalty of more than $21,800 and-or 12 months’ imprisonme­nt.

Total fire bans are different to the fire danger period.

A total fire ban day can be declared at any time throughout the year.

No fires are to be lit in the open air on total fire ban days, except in the case of a special permit.

More informatio­n about the fire danger period is available online at dangerperi­od

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