The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Artistic showcase


Natimuk will be a hive of activity this weekend, with two art events happening on Saturday and Sunday.

The Frinj Trim will feature on Saturday at Natimuk Soldiers Memorial Hall between 8pm and 11pm.

The event is a creative taster of the art and performanc­e practices happening in Natimuk.

This year’s event includes digital projection­s by Dave Jones, a showing of contempora­ry circus skills and community workshop by duo No Mi and Dawa of Wobbly Spoon, a light and shadow installati­on by Mary French and a double bass and guitar music performanc­e by Stu Mathieson and Fuddy Jackson.

The Grist bar will also be in operation during the event.

Across both days, artists along the Natimuk Open Studios Art Trail will open their studios to the public.

The art trail will welcome visitors between 11am and 4pm, with people able to drop into studio spaces, see the art and chat with artists about their practice.

Along the art trail, 10 studio locations, including one at Quantong, and 14 presenting artists will show a diverse range of visual arts, from painting, drawing, printing and textiles to upholstery. The trail also includes new additions of video and multimedia artwork.

Some studios will have art for sale and there will be opportunit­ies to connect with artists and commission a piece.

The trail is now on its third year and with great feedback from previous trail visitors, it continues to grow.

This year’s trail was supported by Horsham Rural City Council through a community developmen­t grant.

People wanting more informatio­n on the Frinj Trim can visit

For more informatio­n on the trail and artists and to download a trail map visit natimukope­

 ?? ?? FRINJ TRIM: No Mi and Dawa of Wobbly Spoon are bringing their circus skills to the Frinj Trim on Saturday night, during a weekend of art in Natimuk.
FRINJ TRIM: No Mi and Dawa of Wobbly Spoon are bringing their circus skills to the Frinj Trim on Saturday night, during a weekend of art in Natimuk.

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