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- Wednesday, November 1, 2023 www.theweeklya­

FOR THE WEEK NOVEMBER 4 TO NOVEMBER 10 ^ TAURUS: (April 21- May 20) _ ` a b c d LIBRA: (September 24- October 23) e SCORPIO: (October

ARIES: (March 21- April 20) Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Your future looks bright in terms of career prospects, and you should seize opportunit­ies that come your way. Don’t be surprised if you come across chances you missed before. Unforeseen events could arise that may change your lifestyle.

Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: In today’s materialis­tic world, many people choose to pursue a career for the financial benefits it may bring, whereas love and relationsh­ips can provide us with unique and meaningful experience­s. With the current circumstan­ces favouring personal growth and exploratio­n, now is the perfect time to pursue your goals, whatever they may be. GEMINI: (May 21- June 21) Lucky Colour: White Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Choosing the right company can have a profound effect on your life and future relationsh­ips. It’s essential to be selective about the people you surround yourself with, as they can shape your perspectiv­es and behaviours. Therefore, it’s crucial to make well-informed decisions that are in line with your values and goals. CANCER: (June 22- July 22) Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: The vast majority of people possess the ability to seek out and discover solutions to their problems, thanks to the abundance of resources available to them. Furthermor­e, they have greater financial flexibilit­y and are able to make choices that align with their desires. In matters of the heart, take charge and be more proactive. LEO: (July 23- August 22) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Opportunit­ies to increase one’s financial resources abound, making it more feasible to achieve personal aspiration­s and tackle challenges that may have previously hindered progress. Whether through new ventures or existing sources, there are various avenues to explore for financial gain. VIRGO: (August 23- September 23) Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: The atmosphere during family get-togethers is filled with warmth, love and the element of surprise. As the family bonds over shared experience­s, financial difficulti­es that have been looming over their heads may dissipate, leaving behind a sense of relief and peace.

Lucky Colour: Dark Blue Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You are about to experience a stroke of good fortune in your career, as new and exciting opportunit­ies are on the horizon. Simultaneo­usly, you may also be pleasantly surprised by the unexpected return of someone from your past, possibly an old flame. 24- November 22) Lucky Colour: Fawn Lucky Day: Sunday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: As of now, embarking on a journey may not be the best idea. Those who are adamant f about having things their way in matters of the heart may face difficulti­es. If you employ your charm, you can navigate through any obstacles that come your way. SAGITTARIU­S: (November 23- December 20) Lucky Colour: Orange Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You may encounter unexpected opposition to your romantic relationsh­ips, but don’t worry as your charm and persuasion skills can help you overcome these challenges. Additional­ly, you may receive financial benefits through collaborat­ions with others. CAPRICORN: (December 21- January 19) Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You seem to exude an irresistib­le charm that may attract a lot of attention from potential romantic partners. Your alluring aura could lead to some intriguing propositio­ns, leaving you with some exciting and memorable experience­s.

g h AQUARIUS: (January 20- February 19) i PISCES: (February 20- March 20) Visit KERRY KULKENS MAGIC SHOP at

Lucky Colour: Lilac Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: As you contemplat­e your future plans, it’s important to consider that they may be shaped by distant events beyond your control. However, it’s also a good time to seize the opportunit­y to mix business with pleasure to reap the rewards of good fortune.

Lucky Colour: Orange Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Opportunit­ies for travel are starting to emerge. If you’re feeling adventurou­s, embarking on a journey to a new destinatio­n could be on the horizon. Meeting new people along the way and immersing yourself in local events can bring a renewed sense of energy and excitement. This could be the start of a life-changing adventure.

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