The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Hudson’s team wins carnival


Wimmera Whippets and Noradjuhaq­uantong footballer Sam Hudson took to the oval to compete in a national carnival in October.

Hudson represente­d Victoria Country at the National Inclusion Carnival.

Each state and territory across Australia was represente­d, with two teams from Victoria – country and metropolit­an – and 16 players in each team.

Hudson said he enjoyed the ‘whole experience’ including making new friends across all of the teams.

“We played a lot of football over the five days and I found the competitio­n was a lot stronger than our local league,” he said.

Hudson is the second-youngest member of the open men’s team, which was selected from country clubs across the state.

The teams played off against each other in a lightning round and, based on win-loss ratios, were sorted into two divisions.

Teams within each division then played against each other, with the top two teams on the final day in each division competing in a grand final.

Hudson said the team played well in the lightning round on the first two days of the carnival.

“We won two games, drew two games and lost three games,” he said.

“This put us in fifth position, which was top of

division two. In the division rounds on Wednesday and Thursday, we won all three games and finished top.

“On Friday we played the grand final against reigning premiers Queensland and won 58 to 25.

“This was Vic Country’s first premiershi­p in nine years.”

Hudson said he played on the half-forward line and rotated in and out of the midfield.

The premiershi­p concludes a big year of football for Hudson who played under-17s with Noradjuha-quantong, captained Wimmera Whippets to a premiershi­p and won best-andfairest.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? GOLF DAY: Horsham Golf Club welcomed its sponsors to an afternoon of golf and socialisin­g. Above, Horsham Sports and Community Club’s Gary Howden, Dan Smith, Glenn Carroll and Garrett Liston, and left, Middy’s Data and Electrical staff members Chris Ellis, Mit Vyas, Jayden Hinch and Chris Payne were among sponsors who enjoyed the day out on Friday. Pictures: SEAN O’CONNELL
GOLF DAY: Horsham Golf Club welcomed its sponsors to an afternoon of golf and socialisin­g. Above, Horsham Sports and Community Club’s Gary Howden, Dan Smith, Glenn Carroll and Garrett Liston, and left, Middy’s Data and Electrical staff members Chris Ellis, Mit Vyas, Jayden Hinch and Chris Payne were among sponsors who enjoyed the day out on Friday. Pictures: SEAN O’CONNELL
 ?? ?? Sam Hudson
Sam Hudson

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