The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Marathon for Mum


The Berry brothers never give up in a battle. That’s the inspiratio­n Joel, Jarrod and Tom Berry use to honour their late mum Jedda, who battled breast cancer for eight years until she died in 2013 at age 45.

Jarrod, Joel and Tom, with friends Ben Lakin and Will Robertson are raising money and awareness for Breast Cancer Network Australia with ‘Marathon for Mum’ – running from Dadswells Bridge to Horsham on Saturday.

Jarrod said the family was fortunate to have the community’s support when his mum was diagnosed in 2005.

“We had people giving us food and looking after my brothers and Dad when Mum was in hospital,” he said.

“It was a massive community effort and helped me to make peace with Mum’s life and what she left as her legacy.

“I learned plenty of lessons from her in terms of resilience and not giving up in any battles.

“It’s probably been the biggest factor in everything I’ve done.”

Jarrod said his mum was an inspiratio­n.

“The actions I take are always in memory of her and everything I do is in honour of her – that’s how I like to hold myself in life,” he said.

Jarrod plays for AFL team Brisbane Lions, while Tom plays for Gold Coast Suns. They are both Breast Cancer Network Australia ambassador­s.

Mr Lakin said the marathon would mark a special occasion to bring the community together and honour Jedda.

“You get emotional talking about Jedda. It’s going to be a special day for a lot of us,” he said.

“She wasn’t Will’s and my biological mother, but she was close to it.”

The brothers, after moving from Nhill to Horsham, lived on the same street as Mr Lakin and Mr Robertson and became close friends.

“The new kids on the block, the Berrys, were showing us up in footy and basketball, which we thought we were crash hot at, but they showed us otherwise,” Mr Lakin said.

“For 10 years-plus we were there and had some good times and tough times together.”

Five years ago, the five men shaved their heads and raised about $60,000 for breast cancer research.

Mr Lakin said the marathon was about doing something different and challengin­g to raise money for the cause.

He said the biggest goal was to bring people together for the event.

Mr Robertson said the group wanted to continue to raise awareness for breast cancer research and treatment, while rememberin­g Jedda.

He said the community had rallied behind them in the lead-up to the run.

“Every time we go down the street, someone will ask how the run is going. The community has been awesome,” Mr Robertson said.

“It takes three to four hours to run that far. It’s hard and we’ve all hit walls at different spots in the training, but we’re getting through it.

“I’m looking forward to the challenge and running in the third hour with the boys when we’re all just asking whose idea this was.”

The marathon will conclude at

Coughlin Park – the home ground of Horsham Saints football club, where the Berry brothers played as juniors.

Mr Robertson said he was looking forward to crossing the finish line and seeing people at the final destinatio­n.

“When we get into the oval and the whole community is there, hopefully, we have a few ready to run that last three-kilometre stint with us,” he said.

Mr Lakin said people were throwing their support behind the team without being asked, which was encouragin­g.

 ?? ?? INSPIRATIO­N: Jarrod and Tom Berry will be joined by brother Joel and longtime friends Ben Lakin and Will Robertson in ‘Marathon for Mum’ on Saturday to honour the late Jedda Berry, below, and raise money for breast cancer.
INSPIRATIO­N: Jarrod and Tom Berry will be joined by brother Joel and longtime friends Ben Lakin and Will Robertson in ‘Marathon for Mum’ on Saturday to honour the late Jedda Berry, below, and raise money for breast cancer.

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