The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Performing arts community on show


The RM Showcase is returning to Horsham Town Hall next week for its 19th year.

Committee member Jan Morris said two scholarshi­ps would be awarded – the Richard Morris Memorial Scholarshi­p and Alex Rathgeber Performing Arts Scholarshi­p – as no scholarshi­p was awarded in 2022.

“The scholarshi­p is funded through the money raised at the concert. In the first year it wasn’t a big scholarshi­p, but we have built it up over time,” she said.

“I’m a passionate person and this is a great reward to put something into the performing arts community.

“I have lifetime friends through this event and we have gone through thick and thin.”

The event is named for Horsham resident Richard Morris, who was heavily involved in the performing arts community and died in a car crash in 2004.

Mrs Morris said she was looking forward to acknowledg­ing the 20th year of the showcase next year and planned to make it a big event.

Stacey Brennan is an RM Showcase life member and will be directing this year’s event. She will be joined by Simon Dandy as masters of ceremonies.

“It’s a good end-of-the-year concert and we try to attract items from throughout the year including Horsham Arts Council performanc­es and school shows as well,” she said.

“This year we have Joel Kimberley, Liam Robertson, Sienna Walsgott, the HAC American Idiot cast, HAC Seussical the Musical leads, Libby Hobbs, The Accidental Highnotes and many more.”

Scholarshi­p applicatio­n forms are available by emailing Rmshowcase and are due on Friday.

The showcase begins at 7.30pm on November 18.

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? TALENT: Organiser Jan Morris, Horsham Town Hall venue manager Michelle Rethus and director Stacey Brennan prepare for the RM Showcase.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER TALENT: Organiser Jan Morris, Horsham Town Hall venue manager Michelle Rethus and director Stacey Brennan prepare for the RM Showcase.

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