The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Creating a city of windmills

- Janet Addinsall, Brim

I would like to draw attention to the current proposals to fill our landscape with wind farms.

The proposed Warracknab­eal Energy Park will stretch from west of Warracknab­eal to north of Brim and west of the Warracknab­eal Aerodrome.

It is a huge project of between 200 and 220 turbines, each up to 280m tall, just below the height of the Eureka Tower in Melbourne.

It is a city of 200-plus skyscapers to be built in our unique and very special landscape.

Another project between Warracknab­eal and Birchip, the Wilkur Energy Park, will home 97 turbines of the same size.

There are also projects proposed for Beulah West-hopetoun, Curyo, Morton Plains and others near Horsham – and these are only the ones that I know about.

These projects will significan­tly alter our landscape with a very little benefit to our community who have to live with them every day.

Transmissi­on lines are proposed to crisscross the whole state.

Tourism will be destroyed. Who wants to visit an industrial wasteland?

The environmen­tal impact has been well documented internatio­nally, with significan­t and catastroph­ic effects on birds and undergroun­d creatures, not to mention the concrete that will be left in the ground at the end of the life of the projects, 15 to 25 years, at between 800 and 950 tonnes of concrete per turbine.

These projects will limit the food production on this land.

The Wimmera and Mallee is part of Australia’s food bowl, supplying food to Australia and the world.

In a world of increasing population, protection of the food supply is imperative.

These and many other issues are of great concern to the community.

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