The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Generosity boosts foundation goal


Patrons will don their finest, and organisers will roll out the red carpet as the annual Commission­er’s gala of Blue Ribbon Foundation’s Horsham branch occurs this weekend.

A capacity event of 250 guests will support the foundation’s purpose to raise money for equipment and initiative­s for Wimmera Base Hospital.

The branch’s latest initiative­s are working to fundraise about $47,000 to purchase a life-saving rapid infuser.

Branch secretary Kelly Schilling said the event, at Horsham Town Hall on Saturday night, had sold out well ahead of time and organisers were grateful for donations which would go to auction on the night.

“The gala is our major fundraiser of the year and is always a great night, for a very important cause. By supporting our event, people are also helping us to raise money for the emergency department, while honouring the memory of fallen police officers,” she said.

The gala comes after an ‘astonishin­g’ injection to the quest to purchase the rapid infuser.

The branch partners with Woolworths annually in September in support of Police Remembranc­e Day, selling raffle tickets and Blue Ribbon merchandis­e.

This year’s effort has raised $7600 for the branch.

Loucas Vettos and John Mcdonald were the two lucky winners of a raffle prize. “With this contributi­on, the branch will be able to close the gap on its current fundraisin­g initiative,” Ms Schilling said.

“The rapid infuser will be used in emergencie­s for the administra­tion of intravenou­s fluids into a patient. The device is a specialise­d type of pump that can very quickly administer fluids such as blood, plasma or electrolyt­e solutions.

“We thank Woolworths manager Danny Hamerston and staff member Tania Jakobi for their ongoing support of the Blue Ribbon foundation every year, and thank you to all the community members who donated.”

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? BIG EFFORT: Woolworths Horsham’s Tanya Jakobi and Danny Hamerston and Blue Ribbon Foundation Horsham branch’s Dale Russell and Kelly Schilling commemorat­e the supermarke­t’s significan­t donation from the sale of raffle tickets and Blue Ribbon merchandis­e during September.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER BIG EFFORT: Woolworths Horsham’s Tanya Jakobi and Danny Hamerston and Blue Ribbon Foundation Horsham branch’s Dale Russell and Kelly Schilling commemorat­e the supermarke­t’s significan­t donation from the sale of raffle tickets and Blue Ribbon merchandis­e during September.

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