The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Members prepped for season


Country Fire Authority volunteers across District 17 are ready to protect their communitie­s as the fire season begins.

Vectis brigade captain Jesse Raggatt has been a volunteer since he was 16.

“I have been with the Vectis Brigade for 11 years,” he said.

“I think the CFA is an important part of the community and being a volunteer gives us purpose.

“Volunteer numbers are always a challenge, but we have our regulars who put their hand up each year and each season.”

There are 52,000 CFA members across the state who contribute to response efforts during an emergency.

Mr Raggatt said there was an emphasis on grass fire risk this season.

“We have the same message every year, but make sure your property is cleaned up,” he said.

“We will be hosting a pre-summer briefing on November 30 at Quantong Recreation Reserve to speak to the community about the season.”

Vectis brigade is part of the Horsham group, which also includes Pimpinio, Jung, Horsham and Dooen brigades.

Horsham group officer Roger Perris said volunteers at a group level were ‘not too bad’.

“Harvest time has a big impact as most volunteers are farmers and are working on headers, chaser bins or trucks,” he said.

“Volunteers are important to us, no matter their age.”

Mr Perris said the Horsham group area used UHF radio channel 10 throughout the season.

“Our message for people with private units, as we have farmers that turn out to help, is that we need them to be on UHF 10, because the bombers will be active this season,” he said.

“The aerial water bombers are vital to fighting fires, and we appreciate the help of people who have private units.”

Mr Raggatt said the brigade recruited year-round and people wanting to learn more about volunteeri­ng for their closest brigade could phone District 17 at 5362 1700.

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? SEASON READY: Horsham group officer Roger Perris, left, and Vectis Fire Brigade members Ambrose Hose, Michael Bouma, Len Hawker with captain Jesse Raggatt and six-month old son Dallas, prepare for the 2023-24 fire season.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER SEASON READY: Horsham group officer Roger Perris, left, and Vectis Fire Brigade members Ambrose Hose, Michael Bouma, Len Hawker with captain Jesse Raggatt and six-month old son Dallas, prepare for the 2023-24 fire season.

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