The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Fire restrictio­ns in force


Fire restrictio­ns are in place across the Wimmera, Mallee and Grampians and will be enforced until about May next year.

Total fire ban days will also be declared throughout the season.

During the fire danger period, there are rules regarding the use of machinery and lighting fires.

Barbecues and campfires can only be used when the wind is no more than 10kmh and the fire is lit in a properly constructe­d fireplace or a trench at least 30 centimetre­s deep.

A properly constructe­d fireplace is constructe­d of stone, metal, concrete or any other non-flammable material.

A commercial­ly produced barbecue or portable gas stove is considered a properly constructe­d fireplace.

Fires can be lit if the area within three metres of the outer perimeter of the fire and the uppermost point of the fire is clear of flammable material, and the fire does not occupy an area of more than one square metre.

A person must be in attendance at all times while the fire is lit, must have the capacity and means to extinguish the fire, and ensure the fire is completely extinguish­ed before the person leaves.

On a total fire ban day, all campfires are banned and only gas or electric barbeques can be used, if it is a permanentl­y fixed structure built of stone, metal, concrete or another non-flammable material.

Burn-offs are not permitted during the fire danger period unless a permit has been issued.

All fires in the open air for burning off grass, scrub, stubble or rubbish are banned during total fire ban days.

All fire danger period permits are suspended for the duration of any total fire ban day.

Equipment including chainsaws and lawnmowers, and activities such as welding and soldering are permitted under conditions.

Equipment must be free from faults and clear from flammable material.

A person must be in attendance at all times equipment is being used and must carry at least one knapsack spray pump no less than nine litres, or one water fire extinguish­er no less than nine litres.

Use of equipment should be avoided where possible and hot works such as welding are not permitted, except in limited circumstan­ces of a permit.

Farm machinery and earth-moving machines must be free from faults when used within nine metres of any crops, grass, stubble, weeds or other vegetation.

Machines must be fitted with a spark arrester, a turbocharg­er or exhaust aspirated air cleaner and carry fire suppressio­n equipment.

On total fire ban days, use of machinery should be avoided where possible and if work is essential the fire danger period restrictio­ns apply.

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? READY: Fire crews across the region are preparing for the summer season with planned burns and will be ready to respond as emergencie­s arise.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER READY: Fire crews across the region are preparing for the summer season with planned burns and will be ready to respond as emergencie­s arise.

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