The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Champion Casey honoured


Afamiliar face at Wimmera tennis courts has been honoured for her volunteeri­ng work.

Horsham’s Sandra Casey is involved with Drung South Tennis Club and Wimmera Regional Tennis and was awarded Tennis Victoria’s Community Champion of the Month for October.

She said it was a surprise to know she had received the award and the recognitio­n was ‘lovely’.

“I get a lot from volunteeri­ng and while you put in hard work, you are rewarded,” Casey said.

“Particular­ly with regional teams, to see the joy in the juniors when they are selected and when they participat­e is wonderful.

“When I go out to a squad training and they all say ‘hi Sandra’ it makes you feel a part of something.

“Volunteers are on the decline, which is a shame because while you give a lot, you also get a lot back.”

Casey is Drung South Tennis Club secretary, which includes keeping club affiliatio­ns up to date, organising teams, registrati­ons, social events, uniforms, club merchandis­e, the AGM and player profiles.

She also plays each Saturday.

Casey is a key driver behind Wimmera representa­tive teams and events.

She organises the teams with tryouts, accommodat­ion and travel and works with junior co-ordinators to give players opportunit­ies to represent their region.

Casey organises the Wimmera regional points tournament­s and has been an integral part of moving the events to a digital platform to encourage more players to participat­e.

She has been playing tennis since she was eight years-old.

“I have met great people through tennis and continue to meet good people,” she said.

“It’s a great sport to play and be involved with and it can be played by young people and people who are getting older.

“The amount of people I know through tennis was highlighte­d when I had messages come through congratula­ting me on the award.

“A lot of people can’t play tennis anymore, whether it’s through injury or another reason, so I will continue to play because there’s no valid reason for me not to hit the tennis court.”

Casey said she was thankful to be nominated for the award and it was an honour to receive it.

“It’s great Tennis Australia and Tennis Victoria are acknowledg­ing how much volunteers mean to the sport and the continuity of it within our communitie­s,” she said.

 ?? ?? PASSION: Sandra Casey has been recognised for her volunteer work with Drung South Tennis Club and Wimmera Regional Tennis and was awarded Tennis Victoria’s Community Champion of the Month. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
PASSION: Sandra Casey has been recognised for her volunteer work with Drung South Tennis Club and Wimmera Regional Tennis and was awarded Tennis Victoria’s Community Champion of the Month. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

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