The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Time to think, plan

- By Jessica Grimble

It’s a vicious cycle. Developmen­t needs planning. Planning leads to developmen­t.

Both require time, considerat­ion, informatio­n, engagement, financial backing – and ultimately, results.

Meaningful results that make a positive impact on people’s lives. And so the cycle turns. When Horsham council announced it would relocate its depot from Selkirk Drive in the city’s centre to Plumpton Road in February, this editorial gave space to a celebratio­n of the opportunit­y that availabili­ty of land, in such a prime location, could offer to the community and generation­s to come.

The future is now, and it’s time to think big, the editorial read.

This week, the council released its draft Horsham City Urban Renewal Project document – a proposal for the Selkirk Drive land, along with two other nearby precincts, offering housing and commercial developmen­t opportunit­ies.

The renewal project would address urgent needs to allow our regional city, and the broader region, to grow; to effectivel­y and efficientl­y embrace the changes that are forecast, and those changes that are yet to be known, for our future.

And it calls for community submission­s, with a generous consultati­on period accommodat­ing for Christmas and school holiday priorities.

It’s a chance to have your say on what the future of Horsham might look like – for the benefit of the children of today, and their families, friends and communitie­s. It’s important also to recognise how this project fits among the other, live documents and plans – and those on the cusp of consultati­on, or action – for the regional city and broader areas. Which isn’t a simple task. The draft plans. The glossy documents and concept drawings that pose what could be; but take considerab­le time to bring to fruition, can begin to meld into one.

It’s a planning fatigue. A vicious cycle.

Developmen­t planning leads – and time will ensues.

But there’s no better time than now to have your say. needs planning, to developmen­t tell what action

What do you think?

Share your thoughts in a letter to or visit the office in Stawell Road, Horsham; please note, guidelines apply.

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