The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Zanker retains role of mayor


Kylie Zanker has been re-appointed Yarriambia­ck Shire Council mayor for a third consecutiv­e year.

Cr Zanker’s new term in the top job will last just shy of 12 months, to coincide with council elections in October 2024.

Cr Andrew Mclean also nominated for mayor at a statutory meeting in Warracknab­eal on Wednesday last week.

The council voted not to appoint a deputy mayor.

Cr Zanker was first elected to the council in 2008 and was mayor for two years starting in 2011, before coming back to the role in 2021.

She has a background in the education sector and has also worked in community organisati­ons.

Cr Zanker thanked her fellow councillor­s and community for their support during the past 12 months.

“During the past 12 months, I’ve witnessed our council and community working together to achieve amazing results across our shire,” she said.

“Some of the highlights include the Warracknab­eal Tourist and Informatio­n Centre refurbishm­ent, bringing our tourist informatio­n centre up to a modern, bright, engaging space – not just for our volunteers and local people but, indeed, visitors; and the completion of the ‘Home is where the hall is’ project, with 14 community halls across Yarriambia­ck Shire receiving funding for refurbishm­ent and upgrades.

“We’ve also had the constructi­on of the Hopetoun amphitheat­re.

“Council has also contribute­d financial support to the amazing silo art activation project in Murtoa; the feasibilit­y study and business case has been completed for the former Hopetoun school site developmen­t and further developmen­t works; we’ve also had with our caravan parks, the constructi­on of prefabrica­ted cabins at Warracknab­eal and our caravan park at Hopetoun as well, and the camp kitchen refurbishm­ents both in Warracknab­eal and Hopetoun caravan parks.

“In the past 12 months, $8.39 million was associated with projects that have been delivered across our shire. We’ve invested in the developmen­t of an economic and developmen­t strategy and a separate tourism strategy as well.

“Excitingly, the commenceme­nt of constructi­on of seven affordable houses is unfolding across our shire, which is a great feat and one I am very proud of.

“Planning for the Dunmunkle Library precinct has commenced and the wonderful community bowling green hub space upgrade for Woomelang has unfolded.

“Murtoa community saw the Rumble at Rabl Park project completed with a new pump track and playground.

“Significan­t works have also been completed on the redevelopm­ent of the earlyyears precinct in Warracknab­eal and also the community engagement and user group discussion of the master plans for Rabl Park, Murtoa and Murtoa Recreation Reserve are being finalised.

“On a personal note, mayor is a role that I’m extremely grateful to have had the privilege and opportunit­y to hold – the opportunit­y to work in partnershi­p with our communitie­s, to engage, advocate and represent Yarriambia­ck on many occasions.”

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