The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Talking his way to the top


AStawell Secondary College student has taken his gift of the gab to a national public speaking competitio­n.

Kayan Barnes, 14, participat­ed in Legacy Junior Public Speaking Competitio­n’s national finals in Adelaide, after finishing runner-up in Victoria.

Kayan said it was not his first time talking in front of others, having previously participat­ed in a Mandarin public speaking competitio­n.

“It all began when one of my teachers was telling my friends about Legacy public speaking. I eavesdropp­ed on their conversati­on, had a chat to the teacher and went to the meeting,” he said.

Kayan said he progressed through a regional event to participat­e at the state competitio­n in Melbourne, where he qualified for national level.

“I wrote my first speech about selfsacrif­ice,” he said.

“After that, it was bitterswee­t because I wasn’t able to use the same speech. I wrote one about mateship for which I got runner-up at state.

“We had to choose a topic based on Legacy’s values and those two really connected with me.”

Kayan said he was likely to draw on his experience­s public speaking as he progressed through school and into the workforce.

“Obviously, I want to continue public speaking. People have told me I would be a good politician. Another job I would want to do is teaching,” he said.

“But one of my dream jobs is a stand-up comedian. I just like shar

ing my opinions with people. My friend group is on the passionate and argumentat­ive side.”

Kayan said he was challenged to think on his feet during the competitio­n.

“We had a pre-planned, three-minute speech and a two-minute impromptu speech,” he said.

“You get given your topic five minutes beforehand for the two minute speech – mine were ‘15 minutes of fame’ and ‘boxes’, which was interestin­g.”

Kayan said speakers from South Australia, Victoria, NSW and Western Australia attended the national event.

“There were eight competitor­s with two from each state and they were all incredible,” he said.

“It was really interestin­g talking to them.

“There were people from all girls schools, private schools and my school is one with 400 people.”

Kayan said his mother and Ballarat Legatee Allan Mckinnon accompanie­d him to Adelaide, taking his first ever flight to get to the competitio­n.

“The whole experience was fun,” he said.

“I learned my ears get blocked when I fly. We also went on a dolphin and shipwreck cruise.”

Kayan, in year eight, said the competitio­n was available for students in years seven, eight and nine.

“I will be able to compete next year and I will be encouragin­g my friends to enter,” he said.

“I’ve actually asked the teachers to set up a debate club.”

Teacher Lauren Barrie said she hoped other students would get on board.

“I don’t think anyone expected Kayan to get this far,” she said.

“We are all so proud of him – it’s amazing for Kayan and the school.”

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? PROUD: Kayan Barnes, with the support of Stawell Secondary College and Legacy, travelled to Adelaide for a national public speaking competitio­n.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER PROUD: Kayan Barnes, with the support of Stawell Secondary College and Legacy, travelled to Adelaide for a national public speaking competitio­n.

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