The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Celebratio­n of transport service


Healthcare providers have celebrated Royal Flying Doctor Service’s community transport initiative in Warracknab­eal.

Regional healthcare services and Victorian Primary Health Networks are working with the Royal Flying Doctor Service, RFDS, to offer the free transport service from clients’ homes to health appointmen­ts and social support groups.

The program relies on volunteer drivers and is in place across 10 communitie­s statewide, including Warracknab­eal and St Arnaud.

Rural Northwest Health chief executive Jenni Masters, at the celebratio­n at Warracknab­eal Neighbourh­ood House, said it was a ‘vital’ service.

“It’s not only good for the health system as it means clients turn up to their appointmen­ts, leaving no gaps; but it’s also good for both the volunteer drivers who value the role and the driving, as well as the social connection­s when the patient and driver are sitting in the car together having a conversati­on,” she said.

The service first establishe­d in Heathcote five years ago, before expanding to Rochester in 2021. A further eight sites have launched across the state in less than 12 months.

Clients must be aged 65 and older, have a current pension, Department of Veterans’ Affairs or healthcare card, live within a designated pick-up zone and access a health or wellbeing appointmen­t, or a formally funded social support to be eligible for the service.

People wanting more informatio­n, or to register to use the service, can phone 7046 4664 or email communityt­ransport@rfdsvic.

 ?? ?? LET’S GO: From left, volunteer driver Kim Barnard, Royal Flying Doctor Service well-being clinician David Turnbull, Rural Northwest Health chief executive Jenni Masters, volunteer driver Alison Whelan, Yarriambia­ck shire mayor Kylie Zanker and Royal Flying Doctor Service’s Dr Melanie Trivett, Fiona Monteith and Len Davis at a celebratio­n of the Warracknab­eal community transport service.
LET’S GO: From left, volunteer driver Kim Barnard, Royal Flying Doctor Service well-being clinician David Turnbull, Rural Northwest Health chief executive Jenni Masters, volunteer driver Alison Whelan, Yarriambia­ck shire mayor Kylie Zanker and Royal Flying Doctor Service’s Dr Melanie Trivett, Fiona Monteith and Len Davis at a celebratio­n of the Warracknab­eal community transport service.

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