The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

The Wimmera Speaks


Natimuk-based arts organisati­on ACT Natimuk is hosting a special event for friends and community members to learn about a project being undertaken in the town.

Artist D’arcy Molan will share his creative writing project, ‘The Wimmera Speaks’, on Saturday at Natimuk Soldiers Memorial Hall from 7.30pm.

The free event is the last of three scheduled for this year, each aiming to connect with the broader community and showcase the people and projects of ACT Natimuk in a way that is social and relaxed.

Mr Molan will share his creative project through music, poetry and digital projection­s, and via the voices of local artists he collaborat­ed with.

He said ‘The Wimmera Speaks’ is a literary and creative PHD project, combining art and different connection­s to the region.

“It focuses on the Wimmera region through my matrilinea­l family connection to the area, particular­ly to Apsley and Edenhope,” he said.

“The Wimmera has always been steeped in music and stories and I wanted to write about the diverse and exciting art that is being made here.

“The project investigat­es creative practices and cultural ties that are specific to places in the Wimmera, by both non-indigenous artists and First Nations Wotjobaluk artists.

“It is a case study of Natimuk, and ACT Natimuk, which looks into the processes and outcomes of community art in our town and region.”

Co-ordinator Alison Eggleton said the event would be a celebratio­n of local people, stories and community.

She said more informatio­n was available via actnatimuk. com/events/friends-community-event-nights

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