The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Stawell hosts party leader

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Stawell National Party branch welcomed Party leader Peter Walsh and president Neil Pankhurst to Stawell on Friday.

An invitation from the Stawell branch and Ripon and Lowan electorate­s gave the leaders an opportunit­y to learn more about the area, including further needs to continue its developmen­t.

After a tour of the town, they made a visit to Action Steel and Krause Bricks.

Mr Walsh told branch members it was great to hear about the progress of Thomas Abbatoirs and Stawell Gold Mine and the excitement of the community in the Stawell Undergroun­d Physics Laboratory.

As much as these are important to the community, he recognised that so, too, were some of the smaller businesses such as Action Steel and Krause Bricks.

In the past few years, these industries have experience­d much growth and extended their sales across the state. He congratula­ted all industries for their vision for the future.

Mr Walsh told branch members that Member for Lowan Emma Kealy had taken a strong interest in Stawell and had made a strong representa­tion on issues of concern in Parliament — including gas prices, energy, regional health, housing, roads and rail. These have been a constant fight for Ms Kealy so as to keep the area strong with employment and the needs of the people.

Driving around Stawell, it was noted the way the Northern Grampians Shire Council’s parks and gardens team have presented the town with places such as Cato Park and the streetscap­e giving much pride to the city.

With housing being a constant issue in many areas, the developmen­t in Sloane Street was highlighte­d as playing a muchneeded part of the expansion of industries in Stawell.

 ?? ?? SHOWCASE: Martin Grace of Action Steel with National Party of Victoria leader Peter Walsh and party president Neil Pankhurst.
SHOWCASE: Martin Grace of Action Steel with National Party of Victoria leader Peter Walsh and party president Neil Pankhurst.

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